The soldier is a girl

Chapter 2909 2165: Disliked by his son

Chapter 2909 2165: Disliked by his son

"You are an important dark chess piece that seriously injured the Huainan Palace at a critical moment, so it should not be time to use you."

"So I'm so important." Mo Rui became smug at the moment.

Mo Ling gave Mo Rui a disgusted look again, and then said, "If I can't get married today, you don't have to marry Yue Wuyan."

"Don't worry, I'll let you marry well." Mo Rui didn't argue this time, "You don't have much fun here, I'll go shopping elsewhere."

After leaving one sentence, Mo Rui slid away and disappeared in Mo Ling's place.

Mo Ling was the only one arranging his clothes...


Not long after Mo Rui left, Mo Yan came.

But compared to Mo Rui's stealthy posture, Mo Yan walked in through the courtyard gate in a fair manner.

When Mo Yan came, Mo Ling had already packed everything.

Even though he is his own son and he has such a face, when Mo Yan saw Mo Ling, he couldn't help being amazed, and praised, "That's right, he is indeed my son."

Of course, the admiration was not so much admiration for Mo Ling, but a compliment for himself.

Regarding this, Mo Ling directly cast a disgusted look and said, "What's the matter?" And his tone was completely as if it was all right, don't bother me.

"You brat, I can't care about you anymore, I'm your old man." Mo Ling's dislike immediately made Mo Yan jump.

"Didn't I quarrel with Mo Rui enough a few days ago?" The implication was that I still wanted to quarrel.

"You..." Mo Ling's words made Mo Yan slap his beard and stare, but he held back, "Today you are getting married, I don't care about you."

As he said that, Mo Yan walked into the house, wanting to find a chair to sit down and talk slowly.

As soon as he walked in, he saw the other two groom's clothes hanging in the room. After seeing them, Mo Yan looked back and looked at Mo Ling with an expression that he was afraid that he might be mistaken. That's right, he was wearing Yes, thinking about it, I looked at the two hanging pieces again, and I looked at them several times, and finally looked at Mo Ling.

"You want to get married three times?" This one said that Mo Rui was not his own.

"If you have something to talk about, just do what you have to do." Mo Ling said that he didn't want to answer the same question again, let alone that brat Mo Rui, and his father, a man who would die for his mother, still asks this question , if he answered, he would feel as stupid as his father.

Mo Ling didn't say it clearly, but Mo Yan knew that he was definitely rejected by his son, so he immediately cursed, "Stinky brat."

Immediately, he didn't bother with the wedding dress, well, in fact, he could more or less guess it, he just said that to make Mo Ling feel embarrassed, how could he know that Mo Ling would not fit in at all.

"It's okay, you are my son, and I, the father, should have helped you with all the affairs of your wedding, but you are too capable, and you don't need me for anything, which makes me, the father, very disappointed." , I came here just to say something that can be of use to me, so just say it."

"You are the biggest help to me if you take good care of my mother."

Mo Ling was telling the truth, but it was so true that it directly made Mo Yan choke, but he still explained it with difficulty, "Your mother didn't mean it all before, isn't it much better now, at least there are happy people Help you organize the wedding banquet."

"I know." Mo Ling's outburst just now was not aimed at Su Yuan, "I'm afraid that the Su family will do something to my mother, they will definitely not let me have a good marriage today, and it is completely impossible for them to do anything else , I'm afraid they will attack your mother if they have nowhere to go, you must follow your mother every step of the way today, so you can watch."

(End of this chapter)

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