The soldier is a girl

Chapter 2910 2166: Going out to welcome relatives

Chapter 2910 2166: Going out to welcome relatives

Today is an extremely important day in his life for both him and A Jin, and he doesn't want to leave any regrets.

Anyone who wants to destroy him can be dealt with ruthlessly by his subordinates, but if it is his mother, even if he is used by others, it will be a lifetime of scars for his mother, him and A Jin.

Mo Ling's words made Mo Yan's face darken, and finally said in a deep voice: "Okay."

"It's possible, so there's no need to be so serious. Besides, this is my territory, no matter how arrogant the Su Manor is, how can he go so arrogantly?" Seeing Mo Yan's complexion darkened, Mo Ling reassured immediately.

Mo Ling's words made Mo Yan realize that he was too serious, so he raised his hand and patted Mo Ling's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Understood, I will definitely take good care of your mother, you can get married with peace of mind, I will carry out the mission now .”

As he said that, Mo Yan turned around and walked out, and his smile disappeared the moment he turned around. If the Su Mansion really ruined his son's wedding today, he would definitely not let it go.


Seeing that the auspicious time was coming, Mo Ling strode out from the mansion to the front of the general's mansion.

The horses and the eight-carrying sedan chairs to welcome the relatives have already been ready in front of the general's mansion.

King Huainan, Princess Huainan, Princess Huainan and Prince Huainan stood at the door to see him off.

Mo Ling and Mo Yan are [-]% similar, so when Mo Ling appeared in front of the mansion wearing a red dress, Princess Huainan looked at her in a daze, and for a moment she seemed to have returned to more than [-] years ago The moment Mo Yan married her, the her at that time...

"Father, mother, sister..." Mo Ling called out one by one, and finally paused when she saw Mo Rui, and then opened her mouth, "Mo Rui."

There is no very intimate name, but at this moment, the name that did not leave him behind almost made Mo Rui's eyes wet. In order to avoid losing his composure, Mo Rui turned his eyes away pretending to be disdainful and looked away.

"A Ling is so beautiful today." Mo Chuxiao sighed with admiration, full of blessings.

"Thank you, sister." Mo Ling thanked her, not because of that beautiful sentence, but because of the unspoken blessing.

The conversation between the siblings brought back Su Yuan's thoughts, which was a little dazed. Su Yuan raised her hand to press Mo Ling's collar, "My Ah Ling has grown up..."

"Mother." Mo Ling knew that his mother really loved him, but sometimes he was confused.

"Hey." Su Yuan responded with a smile, and then raised her hand to smooth Mo Ling's hair, "My son looks really good today, go quickly, don't delay the auspicious time."

Mo Ling looked at Su Yuan, then said, "Okay."

As soon as he finished speaking, he walked past Su Yuan, striding towards the horse with the big red flower on his head below.

When he reached the horse, Mo Ling pulled the rein, then jumped and landed on the horse.

At this moment, the soldiers who were originally guarding around the general's mansion suddenly started and ran over, and then stood on both sides of Mo Ling's horse.

And keep going forward in this direction.

The soldiers standing there held swords and halberds in armor one after another, looking majestic and awe-inspiring. The important point was that each soldier's swords and halberds were all hung with three-foot-long red silk.

This is not over yet, seeing Mo Ling pulling the reins to drive the horse, suddenly a few soldiers rushed out holding a ball of red carpet from the horse's feet, spreading it all the way forward, spreading it into the distance, just like that Soldiers in armor and swords and halberds hung with red silk were not seen at the end.

This battle made Princess Huainan once again see the importance her son attached to Mu Jin.

(End of this chapter)

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