The soldier is a girl

Chapter 2970 2226: Mo Ling was impeached

Chapter 2970 2226: Mo Ling was impeached (2)

"That's right, that's right..." The words of the third military officer were agreed by all the military officers.

But the words did not continue here, but at least these three points were denied first.

The faces of the three censors who were rejected were extremely ugly in an instant, especially the last censor, if he was asked to speak up, it would definitely not work if he was asked to go to the border to fight, and he wanted to refute, but the Huainan Palace was left On the right is a founding hero, another century-old family, and finally an emperor's mansion, which can indeed accumulate a lot of wealth. The Huainan Palace with a strong foundation alone has a lot of money.

But didn't it mean that Mo Ling and King Huainan fell out?
But they also went to officiate the wedding ceremony for their son!
What kind of feud could the son and father have overnight? Besides, if the Huainan king's family wealth was not given to Mo Ling, would it be given to that idiot Mo Yu? Even if the Huainan king agreed, the Huainan princess might not agree.

As for the two crimes of disturbing the people and disturbing order, it seems to be a matter of making up the numbers.

Anyway, it is to impeach him, no matter what his reasons are.

The main reason is that the censor did not expect the military officer to be so quick-spoken, and he stopped them all at once, and the entire Golden Luan Hall was silent for a while.

However, no matter how important these three things are, they are not as important as the first one, the self-respect of supporting soldiers, this is a big taboo.

It's just that someone as shrewd as Mo Ling would be so stupid as to leave someone with a clue?
Absolutely not.

But none of the officials standing below mentioned this again. As for the one who impeached Mo Ling, I wonder if it was because the other three censors were bullied by the generals, so they didn't say anything.

So the emperor spoke.

"Is there any evidence to say that Mo Ling is self-respecting?"

"Your Majesty, I think there are at least six, seven, or even ten thousand guards standing in Yanling City, that is, Huainan Palace and Moling Mansion plus General Mu's Mansion and Mujin Mansion. There are not enough people. There are at most more than 3000 people in these few families, and I don’t know where Mo Ling’s remaining few thousand people come from?"

The emperor felt that today's censor probably didn't bring his brains to court. If Mo Ling really supported himself, would he still be able to stay in his general's mansion?

No, it should be said that he couldn't even get married yesterday, he still needs to think of ways to destroy it, that's enough.

However, this Mo Ling handed him a booklet yesterday morning, a booklet that he would not even be able to clean up Mo Ling with.

"Impeach because you don't know? Yang Yushi, is this how you use my salary?"

Yang Yushi never expected that the impeachment would make His Majesty furious, shouldn't this be Mo Ling's biggest crime?

Although he has no evidence, Yushi never uses evidence for impeachment. Besides, everyone in Yanling City saw it yesterday, so what evidence is needed?
Of course, he didn't dare to say these words to the emperor.

Being reprimanded by the emperor at this moment, Yang Yushi plopped down and knelt down, "I am afraid, please make it clear, Your Majesty." This is definitely a foolish and unaware look.

"Heh..." The emperor sneered, not bothering to talk to a rigid-minded person like him, "Qin Jiu, tell me about Mo Ling's self-respect."

As the prime minister, the emperor always likes to instruct him to do things like cannon fodder, but he is still very happy to piss people off.

"I obey the order." Qin Jiu took the order and stood up from the crowd, then turned to face Yang Yushi who was kneeling on the ground.

"Yang Yushi, my prime minister asks you, do you think a general who can lead an army to defeat an enemy country is a fool?"

(End of this chapter)

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