The soldier is a girl

Chapter 2971 2227: Mo Ling was impeached

Chapter 2971 2227: Mo Ling was impeached (3)

When Qin Jiu asked, Yang Yushi's face immediately became serious, "What does Prime Minister Qin mean? This Yushi has never said that Mo Ling is a fool."

It has to be said that Yang Yushi's brain is not generally straight, and it is precisely because of this that the reason for impeachment will fall into his mouth.

"It turns out that Yang Yushi also knew that Mo Ling was not stupid. Since Mo Ling is not stupid, do you think he would do this capital crime of embracing himself under the eyes of the emperor?"

"No." Yang Yushi answered firmly.

He also knew he wouldn't, but Mo Ling did get so many soldiers and horses.

"Yang Yushi is still saved."

"Prime Minister Qin, don't think that you can insult people just because you are a prime minister."

"Did the prime minister insult you?"

"Qin Jiu..." Yang Yushi was so angry that he called Qin Jiu's name directly.

At this time, even the emperor couldn't stand it anymore, and directly threw a memorial from above.

"This is the memorial that Mo Ling sent to me early yesterday morning. It clearly states that he will use thousands of soldiers to circle Yanling City, and the source of these soldiers..." The emperor paused when he said this After a while, he continued, "The source of these soldiers and horses is that the generals in Yanling City promised to lend them to Mo Ling for a day after losing the bet."

At this point, the truth about where Mo Ling got so many soldiers and horses finally came to light. This stunned many ministers who tried to extract information from the Huainan Palace. They had never heard of it. There is this operation.

No, that's not the point, the point is that Mo Ling actually told the emperor in advance, how far-sighted it was, no, it should be said that it made them look like clowns.

It's all those generals, those generals...

Yang Yushi was dumbfounded by the emperor's words and the emperor's memorabilia, and then he was unwilling to lose, so he scrambled and climbed to the side of the stairs to pick up the memorabilia that the emperor threw down from above. When the name was given, the moment became unbelievable again.

"How is it possible? I also talked with General Huang, Li Bing, and Ma Siqiao yesterday..." Yang Yushi acted as if he had been deceived by everyone.

He had obviously talked to these people, and his friendship was not bad, but why...why did these people lie to him...

Holding the memorial, Yang Yushi turned around accusingly and looked at the few people in the crowd.

At the moment, the three people mentioned looked at me and I looked at you, then walked a little away from the crowd, and said to Yang Yushi who was looking over: "If you lose the bet, you need to borrow soldiers." Guarantee that it will not be said within three days, I have issued a military order."

"Me too."

"Me too."

The three responded one after another.

So in the end, Yang Yushi was cheated by someone. As for who was cheated, at this point, he could only suffer from the dumbness.

As for what Mo Ling and those generals gambled on, there was no need to ask any more, as there was no longer any objection.

"Your Majesty is ignorant, please punish me." At that moment, Yang Yushi plopped and knelt down in front of the emperor to plead guilty.

As for the censor, as long as he did not commit some heinous crimes, the emperor would not punish them severely, because they were his most powerful swords, and if they were punished, no one would do the impeachment in the future.

But if you make a mistake, you should still be punished.

"I will punish you to contemplate behind closed doors for three days, and then copy the law again, and the other three will do the same."

"I obey the order." Yang Yushi took the order immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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