The soldier is a girl

Chapter 2976 2232: All without chapters

Chapter 2976 2232: None of them came back
"I...I..." Seeing Beitangyan's cold and mocking eyes, Su Yingying's momentum suddenly weakened. I believe that sentence is stuck in her throat, but she just can't say it.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you one thing." Looking at Su Yingying's sore throat, Bei Tangyan flicked her sleeves, touched the fingers of the other hand with one hand, and said slowly, "Follow me The two eunuchs, maids and two guards who went there have not returned."

Not knowing whether it was her words that shocked her or doubted her words, Su Yingying froze there.

Beitangyan didn't care about this at all, and continued to spit out a few words slowly, "Blood splattered on the spot."

These four words successfully made Su Yingying show a frightened expression.

"I barely came back alive because of my identity, why do you think you would come back alive if you went?"

Speaking of this, Bei Tangyan suddenly thought of something.

Yesterday Mo Yu said that not only those people were prepared, but it was a pity that the rest could not enter.

At that time, she didn't pay attention to what Mo Yu said, but later when Mo Yu was drunk, he said Mo Ling to Mo Ling and Mo Ling to the right, which made her feel Mo Yu's determination not to give up until he killed Mo Ling.

So the person who didn't go in yesterday was really just to assassinate Mo Ling and Mu Jin?
If so, why were the people who went in with her killed so quickly? Are those people too good or Mo Ling's people too powerful?

She had a bold idea, was Mo Yu using her as a bait? If she died in Mo Ling's General's Mansion, what would happen?

You must know that she was alone at the time, and it was completely impossible for Mo Ling Mujin to protect her. After all, when a large wave of killers came in, they would subconsciously protect the people they cared about first.

And she will be the most easily obliterated person.

If this idea is true, maybe she should thank Mo Ling and Mu Jin.

Of course, this is just an assumption, but even an assumption is very unfavorable to her, it seems that she can no longer be responsive to Mo Yu.

And after hearing Xiaowanzi's words just now, Mo Yu is afraid that there will be another dispute. She has to watch the timing and choose a backer when necessary to save her life.

"What happened in the end? Mo Ling and Mu Jin successfully got married?"

"What?" Su Yingying called out again to pull Beitangyan's thoughts back, but Beitangyan was too focused on her own thoughts, and didn't hear what Su Yingying said for a while.

Su Yingying was not annoyed, and repeated again: "In the end, Mo Ling and Mu Jin successfully got married?"

"Of course, otherwise, why do you think I came back so late?" Speaking of this, Bei Tangyan changed her lying position and continued, "You don't need to doubt anything, and you don't need to confirm anything from me. It's been a night. I think a series of matters about Mo Ling's wedding must have been spread throughout the palace. Even though the East Palace was surrounded by the Imperial Forest Army, it did not restrict the actions of your maids and eunuchs. It is not difficult to find out the news from outside. So you don't have to believe that Mo Ling gave Mu Jin thousands of miles of red makeup and a wedding ceremony, Mo Ling was impeached this morning for this matter, you don't know..."

Bei Tangyan's words shattered Su Yingying's last fantasy. Why didn't she hear it? She heard everything, and she heard it yesterday, but she has been unwilling to believe it, has been unwilling, and no matter how unwilling she is, At this moment, it was completely interrupted by Beitangyan.

(End of this chapter)

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