The soldier is a girl

Chapter 2977 2233: Who did this

Chapter 2977 2233: Who did this
"Okay, I have to mourn elsewhere, don't interfere with my rest here."

Beitangyan couldn't bear to see Su Yingying like this. She herself was tossed by Mo Yu's constant talk yesterday and stayed up most of the night. Now she just wants to catch up on sleep. As for the rest, when she wakes up Besides.

Su Yingying looked up at Beitangyan's chasing away, and then turned around and stumbled away.

Bei Tangyan glanced at Su Yingying's leaving back, then covered her mouth and let out a breath, then just closed her eyes on the reclining chair.


It was Su Wei who received the news from the early court first. He was dumbfounded when he heard that Li Langzhong was found to be related to the Xuzhou incident.

Li Langzhong is a good person from the Imperial Master's Mansion, but he has nothing directly related to the Xuzhou City incident. No matter how you check, you should not find Li Langzhong.

But the truth is...

Su Wei went looking for Su Boxiong with great anxiety, and somehow he felt that even he could not bear Su Boxiong's anger.

When Su Wei came to Su Boxiong's study, Su Boxiong was practicing calligraphy in the same way.

When he heard the sound, Su Boxiong looked up, and seeing that it was Su Wei, he lowered his head again and continued to practice calligraphy.

But he asked, "How did Mo Ling get impeached?"

Several censors united to impeach Mo Ling, and there was no lack of Su Boxiong's participation in this.

He knew that Mo Ling might not be able to shake Mo Ling, but it was still possible to add to it.

"The four censors were punished by His Majesty to contemplate behind closed doors for three days and copy the law once."

Su Wei's answer made Su Boxiong frowned slightly, and then asked, "Where did Mo Ling's soldiers come from?"

He knew that Mo Ling would never commit the crime of supporting soldiers and respecting himself, but he really didn't know where Mo Ling's soldiers came from.

"General Ling's soldiers and horses were lost to him by the generals in a bet. They said they would use him for a day, and they issued a military order for three days. In addition, in the early morning of yesterday, General Ling gave His Majesty a note before welcoming the bride. "

Hearing Su Wei's answer, Su Boxiong's face turned dark.


They were directly treated as fools by Mo Ling and the emperor.

But when he thought that it was their own busyness that insisted on doing this, and no one forced them, Su Boxiong had no choice but to hold back his anger.

"But something else happened?"

This sentence was definitely asked by Su Boxiong casually, just to find a topic to divert his mind.

However, as soon as his words fell, Su Wei knelt down with a plop, "This subordinate is incompetent, please punish the emperor."

Seeing Su Wei like this, Su Boxiong's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly had a bad premonition.

"What happened?" Su Boxiong felt that it had been a long time since he had spoken so embarrassingly.

Su Wei took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Li was found to be related to the Xuzhou incident."

With a snap, the pen in Su Boxiong's hand snapped immediately, and he even swears, "Fucking shit."

The emperor, who can put his face above all else all day long, swears, which shows the extent of Su Bo's heroism at this moment.

It would be fine if Li Langzhong had a direct relationship with the Xuzhou City incident, but it was only an indirect relationship. No matter how hard we checked, we couldn’t find out that Li Langzhong had a relationship with the Xuzhou incident. This was a secret he planted with great difficulty in the household department chess.

"Who did it, who did it..."

(End of this chapter)

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