The soldier is a girl

Chapter 3046 2302: I am very annoying

Chapter 3046 2302: I am very annoying

Mu Peng was very clear about the priorities, this was a very serious matter, so Mu Peng was very serious and did not play petty temper with Mo Ling anymore.

"How could you get involved with people in the Jianghu?" Mu Peng frowned so much that he could kill a fly.

"I'll investigate this matter, and it's good for Master to protect Fleeting Nian."

"it is good."

"So, Ah Jin and I will go back first." After speaking, Mo Ling suddenly said this, and reached out to hold Mu Jin's hand and wanted to leave.

At this moment, Mu Peng was upset again, so he just stared at Mo Ling, wanting to say something but didn't know what to say.

"Master, tomorrow is the time when Ah Jin and I return home. Today, I am the apprentice escorting Fleeting Nian back. Tomorrow, I will come to the door as the grandson-in-law. Tomorrow, the apprentice will formally visit Master."

Mo Ling never changed his words, not not changing his words, not today.

"Hmph." Probably agreeing with Mo Ling's words, Mu Peng snorted coldly.

Mo Ling didn't reply, but bowed to Mu Peng, and then turned around and left with Mu Jin.

But Mu Jin said sweetly, "Goodbye, Grandpa."

After speaking, with Mo Ling holding hands, he turned around and followed Mo Ling towards the outside of the Mu Mansion.

The South City Gate is not far from here, and the few people came back on foot, but there is still some distance to go to the General's Mansion in the east of the city.

Although they came here on foot, Nan Xing followed in a carriage, so when Mo Ling led Mu Jin out, he saw Nan Xing guarding the side with the carriage.

Mo Ling pulled Mu Jin into the carriage, and then Nan Xing pulled the reins and drove the carriage towards the east of the city.

Mu Jin, who had held back her words for a long time, was finally able to speak now.

"Who did it? Why did you attack Fleeting Time? I think that Fleeting Time should not offend anyone. Could this be directed at us, and the attack on Fleeting Time is just to provoke us?"

"Very likely." Mo Ling did not deny this point.

"Who could it be? You said it was done by people in the Jianghu, but we have nothing to do with the people in the Jianghu. I'm afraid some powerful person in Yanling City hired someone to do it."

She has never been involved in the rivers and lakes, but the rich and powerful in Yanling City have offended a lot, and it's not considered an offence, but everyone thinks she's not pleasing to the eye. She is a powerful grandpa, and everyone can't kill her even if they want to kill her. Oh, by the way, she also has a powerful husband. She suddenly feels that life is so fulfilling.

Thinking about it, Mu Jin, who was about to discuss the matter in a serious manner, suddenly pounced on Mo Ling and hugged him tightly.

This confused Mo Ling who was just about to answer Mu Jin's question, but when it came to his little wife's throwing arms, she would definitely catch anyone who came.

"What's the matter?" He asked while taking a full bosom.

"It's nothing." Mu Jin shook her head, then looked up at Mo Ling and said, "I just think that I'm not pleasing to the eye."

"Huh?" Mu Jin's words made Mo Ling raise his eyebrows.

"Look, I'm just a wild girl from the countryside. I was named a third-rank military officer by the emperor. I also have a grandfather from a family of martial arts. The point is that I married a super powerful god of war. Do you think I am very enviable?" ?”

Mu Jin raised her eyebrows and smiled seriously, she really deserved a beating, but she was a jealous person, but in Mo Ling's eyes, she was full of cuteness.

"Whoever loves to be jealous and who is jealous has nothing to do with us." Mo Ling's pampering face is sure to give her even the moon that Hibiscus wants to add.

(End of this chapter)

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