The soldier is a girl

Chapter 3047 2303: What fish do you want to eat

Chapter 3047 2303: What fish do you want to eat
"Yeah." Mu Jin was not humble at all, but her face turned indifferent at the next moment, "But if it's against me, it's fine, but against my family, I can't tolerate it."

Mo Ling stroked Mu Jin's hair, and smoothed it out for her, "It's not necessarily because of this, it might be something about the political power, it's not uncommon in Yanling City to buy murders, especially It’s when there’s a political discord, which happens a lot.”

It's just that as long as there is no big trouble, it is usually buried, so most people don't know about it.

"It's best like this." After hearing Mo Ling's words, Mu Jin softened her breath. She could bear others targeting her, but she couldn't bear others targeting her family.

"I'll look into this matter, you don't have to worry about it." Mo Ling withdrew his hands and hugged Mu Jin tightly again and comforted her. He knew her bottom line.

"En." Mu Jin responded lightly, and then said, "Do you think Mo Yu would be so resigned to being dismissed? It seems to be calm now."

She didn't see the person, but she heard the voice, it was very calm, and she didn't hear any crazy things happened along the way.

"Wan Xin is definitely not reconciled, but it is impossible for him to turn around with his own ability now, mainly because the emperor's attitude is very unclear. After all, it is the emperor's mansion that he wants to clean up more than Emperor Moyu. However, so far the emperor has not If there is no attack on the Emperor's Mansion, it is impossible to say what will happen?"

"Then what's the purpose of this Su Honglai today? I don't believe it if you say that you just look at Su Ruoruo, and the pastry for Su Ruoruo, is there really no problem at all?"

"It's impossible to just look at it. As for the pastry, it may be just to divert attention. In any case, there must be a fight between the emperor's mansion and the emperor. As for who will make the first move, we can't say. What we have to do is Watch, and wait for the opportunity."


Mo Ling didn't want Mu Jin to pay attention to these trivial matters, so he changed the subject immediately and said, "Do you still want to eat fish?"

Mu Jin raised her eyebrows at Mo Ling's words, then rubbed her stomach and said, "I don't want to eat now."

"What about at night? Do you want me to catch you?"

"This idea can be had."

"What kind of fish do you want to eat?"

"Want to eat..."

The two chatted on the topic of fish all the way...


The distance between the Imperial Mausoleum and Yanling City is about two hours.

However, in these two hours, the sun had already set when the Minister of War led the convoy here, and there was only the last gleam of white moon in the sky before night fell.

"His Royal Highness, Crown Princess, the Imperial Tomb has arrived."

After the carriage stopped, Minister of War drove the horse to Mo Yu's carriage and made an announcement, and then drove the horse back to the front of the convoy, waiting for the person in charge of the imperial tomb to come out.

Mo Yu lost his temper a long time ago due to the gallop all the way, but the eyes of those two people who were only gentle before had become extremely dark at this moment.

After listening to the announcement from Minister of the Ministry of War, Mo Yu moved his stiff body after sitting in the carriage for a long time.

Xiao Taohong sat on the outermost side. After listening to the announcement, she was the first to lift the curtain and jumped out of the carriage, and then reached out her hand to Su Ruoruo who was inside the carriage.

Su Ruoruo immediately put her hand on Xiao Taohong's, and then slowly got out of the carriage.

Probably because of galloping for too long and galloping, even though she was sitting in a carriage, Su Ruoruo still felt some discomfort in her abdomen, but she didn't show it.

(End of this chapter)

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