The soldier is a girl

Chapter 3099 2355: I will give it to sister personally

Chapter 3099 2355: I will give it to sister personally
While speaking, Mo Rui made a gesture of invitation, but these words are a bit unbearable.

But Mu Jin didn't care about it, raised her hand to slightly lift the hem of the skirt, and then jumped into the carriage.

As soon as Mu Jin got into the carriage, the curtain in Mo Rui's hand fell down, accompanied by Mo Rui's words that deserved to be beaten.

"Sister-in-law is worthy of being a heroine in the army. The posture of this horse is not as elegant as that of the ladies in Yanling City."

So is this a compliment or a detriment?

And this is just the beginning.

The people around who hadn't left saw this scene and began to think about two or three things that the sister-in-law and brother-in-law couldn't say, but this conversation instantly shattered their thoughts.

If it is true that Mo Rui is still at odds with Mo Ling, this is not to take advantage of Mo Ling's absence to hate Mu Jin, why did Mu Jin get into the car so easily, and Mo Rui, is it really okay for a masculine man to run on a woman like this? ?
Oh, they forgot, he was a rascal.

In the car, Mo Rui spoke so vigorously that Mu Jin didn't even raise his eyes.

After feeling that the carriage was some distance away from the Huainan Palace, Mu Jin raised her eyes and said, "Okay, I've already left the Palace, you can save your drool."

Mu Jin's disgust is no less than Mo Rui's.

After Mu Jin finished speaking, Mo Rui looked at Mu Jin with a flattering smile, and said, "Sister-in-law is so smart."

"Tell me, why did you kidnap me into the carriage?"

"Oh, sister-in-law is not used in this way. You did it voluntarily. If you say that, I will be severely punished by my brother later."

Mu Jin didn't speak, and directly raised his eyebrows at Mo Rui. Mo Rui immediately put away his poor mouth, and then took out a slender box from his sleeve, which was about as long as chopsticks, and handed it to Mu Jin.

"I also ask my sister-in-law to go to the Ye Mansion later to find a chance to give this to my elder sister. The gift is not very expensive, but it is my heart."

At this moment, Mo Rui is very serious, completely different from the foolishness he was just now.

Seeing this, Mu Jin immediately reached out to take the box from Mo Rui's hand, and said, "Why don't you deliver it yourself?"

"Sister's dowry and concubine are all for the purpose one by one. I don't like to put things in it, but I just sent some gold and silver to make a splash. In this way, even if I give it to my sister, I can't take it away. I could have secretly put it away, but with so much dowry, not to mention that my sister would not have read it one by one, and even if I did, I would not know who gave it to me. Since I was a child, my sister has taken good care of me , I can’t send my elder sister off along the street like my brother, so I can only ask my sister-in-law to give me a gift, and ask my sister-in-law to make it happen.”

As soon as the words fell, Mo Rui stood up and wanted to salute with fists in his hands, but Hibiscus grabbed his arm and pushed him back in a daze.

"Since you call me sister-in-law, you don't need to meet outside. I will give it to sister personally."

Mo Rui's eyes flickered for a moment, then he lowered his eyes slightly, and no longer stood up pretentiously, but said, "Thank you, sister-in-law."

"Yeah." This Xie Mujin accepted it.

Then there was only the sound of horseshoes advancing and the noise of crowds on the street.


When the carriage of Huainan Prince's Mansion arrived in front of the gate of Ye Mansion, the carriages of various families had already parked on both sides of the gate of Ye Mansion.

When Mu Jin got off the carriage, Qing Yan and Ru Qin, who had been waiting in front of Ye Mansion's door with gift boxes, stepped forward to salute Mu Jin, "Master."

(End of this chapter)

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