The soldier is a girl

Chapter 3115 2371: Who can guarantee a cure

Chapter 3115 2371: Who can guarantee a cure

But the host's family has already seen off the guests, so they are not easy to rely on.

Therefore, Ye Yijing arranged for all the guests to be sent away reluctantly.

All the guests were arranged to be sent away, but the imperial physician was not included.

After all, with Mu Xu's appearance at the moment, he really needs a doctor.

The reason why Yue Jiang stepped forward first was entirely because he had a high rank and was placed in the front seat, so he got close and came quickly.

He didn't take Mu Li's request for Mu Liunian to find Mu Jin. In his eyes, there were only patients who needed to be treated as hard as possible.

Although he diagnosed that Mu Xu was highly poisonous, and he was a little helpless, it did not prevent him from inviting other imperial physicians to see him together.

Among the imperial physicians, when encountering difficult and miscellaneous diseases, they usually discuss together habitually, so that they can draw more accurate conclusions for diagnosis.

So when Ye Yijing was arranging to see off the guests, several imperial physicians approached Mu Xu and wanted to diagnose Mu Xu.

Seeing that several people were about to reach out to touch Mu Xu, Mu Li, who had been standing all the time, spoke.

"Thank you all the imperial physicians for lending a helping hand, I don't bother you all." Mu Li's sudden opening made several imperial physicians and some guests who hadn't left feel dumbfounded.

What does Muli mean?
Didn't you always say that the relationship between Mu Li and Mu Xu is very good?Does this mean that Mu Xu is hopeless or does not want to be saved?

Even if it is impossible to save, don't the family members usually ask the imperial doctor for treatment?
How come it's reversed when it comes to Mu Li's place?

So this is not wanting to save?

For not allowing anyone to save her husband-in-law, is this Mu Li's name to be stigmatized?

"Mrs. Mu, no matter what grievances you have with Lord Mu, is it not good for you to prevent the imperial physician from treating Lord Mu like this?"

Most people just think about it in their hearts, after all, that's their business.

But Cai Qin is different, she has been displeased with Mu Lishi for a long time, now she has such a good opportunity, how could she not let it go.

This opening seemed to be gentle and virtuous and considerate of others, but it was full of vitriol and sowing discord.

Everyone has a group of brain-dead followers, especially some brain-dead followers want to take the opportunity to stay and watch the show.

Therefore, when Cai Qin's words fell, a group of people echoed indiscriminately.

"Yes, yes, what a hatred and resentment this is!"

"Anyway, they have been husband and wife for many years, which is too unfeeling."

"Master Mu is a member of the Mu family. Why doesn't Madam Mu let Master Mu receive medical treatment?"

One sound after another, very abrupt in this dark night.

One sentence from the Mu family made the imperial physician think of Old General Mu, and he was afraid that he would be accused of being present but not treating him by Mu Peng, so they all opened their mouths at once.

"Mrs. Mu, please allow me to treat Master Mu."

"Yes, yes, always a hope."

On the left is a group of women chattering, and on the right is a group of imperial physicians asking for treatment. Mu Li, who is standing in the middle, is still extremely calm. After listening to the left and right sentences, he looks at the imperial physician.

"Which imperial doctor promises to cure my husband, please take action."

Mu Li's words directly made the imperial physician who had just said the left and the right shut up suddenly, and then aroused strong public indignation.

"Mrs. Mu, if you don't want to save Lord Mu, just say so. Why make it difficult for us?"

"Mrs. Mu knows that Mr. Mu is looking very bad. How can I wait for a cure?"

(End of this chapter)

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