The soldier is a girl

Chapter 3116 2372: I am murder

Chapter 3116 2372: I am murder
Balabala, Mu Li has become the target of the imperial physician's attack, and a group of women over there have not stopped, their words are nothing more than attacking Mu Li, no matter how ugly they come.

Cai Qin stood on one side, watching her one word provoked a mass attack on Mu Li, and a joyful smile hung on the corner of her mouth.

As soon as Mu Jin and Mo Ling came here, what they saw was the siege of the Mu Li family, and what they heard was the slander of the Mu Li family. The son directly showed the coldness all over his body.

"Shut up if you can't cure it. If you can't cure it, you still have the face to say it here. Who will give you face." Mu Jin said without mercy.

This sentence made those high-sounding imperial physicians pissed off, and then turned to those chattering women.

"And you, isn't it your husband, elder brother, younger brother, and father that something happened? That's why you are so reckless and aimless. Would you like me to give you a blessing so that you can feel the same way?"

With just two sentences, the group of people who were arguing like ducks shut their mouths immediately, and their faces were extremely ugly.

A group of women are always gossips, so they shut up instantly when they were teased by Mu Jin, but a group of imperial doctors opened their mouths because they were questioned, so after being shut up by Mu Jin, they immediately opened their mouths again, and This time the target was Hibiscus.

"Little General Mu, we kindly want to treat your third uncle. It was your third aunt who stopped us from attacking him. Is it true that Little General Mu is too incapable of distinguishing right from wrong?" This is a sane imperial physician.

And irrational, "We can't cure it? Then little general Mu can cure it? Mrs. Mu said that she can only do it if she saves people from life? We don't have the ability to promise, so it's possible that little general Mu has the ability to do it?"

When the imperial physician opened his mouth to complain about Mu Jin, Mu Jin had already walked up to Mu Xu, squatted down, and stretched out his hand to catch Mu Xu's pulse.

And after getting on Mu Xu's veins, Mu Jin's face was so dark that it couldn't be darker.

It's not because Mu Xu's poison is extremely poisonous, but because the poison comes from the Yue family, and she has read about it in the Yue family's medical books.

Therefore, this is again the handwriting of the Emperor's Mansion, and it is also the help of the Yue family to commit crimes.

Mu Jin's anger burned from the bottom of his heart to the bottom of his eyes in an instant. After feeling his pulse, Mu Jin quickly reached out and untied Mu Xu's belt, and pulled off his coat.

Seeing this scene, some female family members around covered their eyes, and even began to slander Mu Jin, saying shameless things.

At this moment, they felt a murderous gaze falling on them, they shuddered, and turned around to look, when they saw the owner of that gaze, Mo Ling, they were terrified. shut up immediately.

Why did they forget that the hibiscus is protected by Mo Ling, and Mo Ling is not easy to mess with.

After Mu Jin untied Mu Xu's coat, he took out the cloth bag containing the gold needles from his body, opened it immediately, and quickly took the needles and stuck them into the area around Mu Xu's chest.

This move scared the few imperial doctors who were still chirping shut their mouths immediately, or they shut their mouths in fright.

And after the horror was over, the crusade started again, "Mujin, you are murdering."

"Crazy, is it?"

This time, even Little General Mu was not honored.

"I'm just murdering, what? Are you going to sue me?" Mu Jin swished a few needles to protect Mu Xu's heart veins, then raised her eyes and yelled at the imperial doctor who said she was murdering.

(End of this chapter)

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