The soldier is a girl

Chapter 3133 2389: Mrs. Ye wakes up

Chapter 3133 2389: Mrs. Ye wakes up (fifth watch)
"Aren't you afraid that outsiders will see that I treat you badly in your house?"

"Hehe..." Mu Jin smiled without a smile on his face, "Really..." The two words were full of disbelief, and after finishing speaking, he said, "Look at my two maids, do you want to silence them?"

Hearing this, Feng Yao immediately glanced at Qingyan and Ruqin who were standing on one side, obviously smiling, but Qingyan and Ruqin felt their necks shiver inexplicably from that look.

"If you feel unreliable, I can do it for you."

"I don't think you can be trusted, I can do it for you."

"Which pose do you think is suitable? I'll put the neck in place, and pass you the sword by the way?"

Feng Yao's shameless words made Mu Jin feel full marks, and she didn't bother to talk to him anymore.

"Okay, eat it quickly, detoxify after eating, and go where it came from after detoxification."

Mu Jin didn't delve into the matter between Fengyao and Mu Liunian, as long as she knew that Fengyao didn't hurt Mu Liunian, it was fine, otherwise, it was their own business, and she had no reason to intervene.

"You are heartless."

"..." Mu Jin just ignored her, otherwise when would she talk.

Seeing that Hibiscus ignored him, Feng Yao slightly lowered his head and licked the corners of his mouth, unable to say whether it was satisfaction, helplessness, or nostalgia.

"This Yanling City may be in trouble soon." Feng Yao spoke again, but it was no longer the funny tone of being beaten just now, but a very normal tone that fit his aloof personality.

Feng Yao's stern expression made Mu Jin's face serious, but he didn't respond.

"I may be leaving soon. I don't know what year it will be when I leave this time?"

Just now, this topic is serious, but it makes people feel a little calm, the kind of complete letting go, the kind of calm that is buried in the deepest part of my heart.

"We will meet again if we are destined." Mu Jin raised her eyes to look at Feng Yao, and said this sentence calmly, a sentence that sounded calm but seemed to be deeply affectionate.

In any case, they are at least friends through thick and thin.

"Hehe..." Feng Yao chuckled, "Yes, we will meet again if we are destined, but I don't know how many years it will be..."


Compared with Feng Yao who came to Mujin's place quietly, the news that Mrs. Ye was awake this night can be said to be like the mushrooming of bamboo shoots after the rain, spreading rapidly to every household in Yanling City.

Although Ye Yijing said that when he married Mo Chuxiao, it was to fulfill Mrs. Ye's wish, not to be happy, but how many people did not put this marriage on the wish of Chongxi.

But when they thought of Mo Ling who was escorting the wedding party all the way, everyone dared to think about it in their hearts, and they all waited to see the follow-up good show.

But I didn't want to, this old lady Ye woke up, actually woke up?

Could it be that it was really because of Mo Chuxiao's marriage?
However, it is said that Mrs. Ye just woke up and found out that her son had poisoned Mu Xu, and she fainted from anger.

So, is Mrs. Ye awake or not?
Ye Fu
Mrs. Ye's coma was premeditated, so waking up tonight was also premeditated.

But in the eyes of everyone, it was Mo Chuxiao's arrival that awakened Mrs. Ye.

And Mrs. Ye didn't know about Xueshi Ye, so after waking up, the first thing she did was ask Nanny Xu to call Ye Yijing and Mo Chuxiao over. She has to give, has to give.

When the news reached Ye Yijing's yard, Ye Yijing and Mo Chuxiao were eating.

At the moment, the two of them didn't even care about eating, they directly dropped the bowls and chopsticks, tidied up their clothes and went out to find Mrs. Ye.

Ye Yijing's yard is not far from Mrs. Ye's yard.

In the past, it was for the convenience of Mrs. Ye to take care of the young Ye Yijing, and later it was for the convenience of Ye Yijing to take care of the elderly Mrs. Ye.

The distance is so short that it only takes half a stick of incense to reach Mrs. Ye, so Ye Yijing didn't have time to explain something to Mo Chuxiao, so she could only explain after meeting Mrs. Ye.

And the reason why she didn't explain it before was because Mrs. Ye was still awake, and she couldn't explain it clearly.

Not daring to keep Mrs. Ye waiting for a long time, the two walked quickly, and as soon as they entered Mrs. Ye's yard, they quickly stepped into Mrs. Ye's room.

When the two saw Mrs. Ye, Mrs. Ye was leaning on the bed with a pale complexion.

Probably heard the sound, when they entered the room, Mrs. Ye, who was drinking porridge, looked over immediately.

"Grandma." Ye Yijing pulled Mo Chuxiao forward and called out with concern.

"Mrs. Ye." Mo Chuxiao subconsciously called out.

Probably no one thought that Mo Chuxiao would shout like that, and they were taken aback for a moment, after all, she is now their young mistress.

There was a trace of silence in the room, and Mo Chuxiao instantly realized that he had made a low-level mistake. He was a little embarrassed at the moment, and just as he was about to make amends, he heard Mrs. Ye's suspicious voice.

"Old Xu, didn't you say that Yijing married Xiaoxiao? Why is this still called Mrs. Ye? But you lied to me?"

The Old Xu in Mrs. Ye's mouth is Nanny Xu.

"Old madam, even if you lend your courage to my servant, I can't lie to you! You are indeed married."

"Then why doesn't this child call me grandma?" Mrs. Ye looked very puzzled, and then said cleverly, as if thinking of something, "It must be the old lady who didn't pay me the change fee."

After speaking, he turned around and felt on the couch, and finally found a big red seal under the pillow, and then handed it to Mo Chuxiao with a smile, "Come on, child, this is the wedding bag from grandma." He said for a while After a while, he continued, "Well, it's the change fee."

The atmosphere that made Mo Chuxiao feel embarrassed at first, but he was a little dumbfounded by Mrs. Ye's actions, but it was heartwarming.

"Grandma." Mo Chuxiao was not pretentious, and immediately stepped forward to take the happy bag from Mrs. Ye, and called grandma instead.

"Hey, good, good..." Madam Ye was very excited when grandma heard this. After all these years, she finally sent out this happy bag.

"Grandma, you just woke up, you need to rest more, Yijing and I..."

It is not suitable for people who just woke up to work too much, so after visiting and confirming that the other person is fine, Mo Chuxiao subconsciously wants the patient to rest more.

It's just that he was interrupted by a crying sound just halfway through.

"Old lady, old lady, Axun is your own, you have to save Axun...he didn't poison...he didn't poison..."

The sudden crying made Ye Yijing's face turn cold, and even Mo Chuxiao was instantly unhappy. The old lady Ye came to make trouble just after waking up. It was obvious that she didn't want the patient to get better, otherwise, who would be in a coma for a long time? Crying in front of people who just woke up.

However, neither Ye Yijing nor Mo Chuxiao wanted to stop it in time, because people had already rushed into the room.

And this seems to be premeditated, and it is obviously impossible to stop it.

"What's wrong with Ye Xun?" Madam Ye's face turned cold at the moment, because of Ye Liu's pretentious attitude and not seeing her good posture, and also because of the A Xun that Ye Liu said she wanted her to save. It's a big deal, otherwise this foxy woman wouldn't be so disregarding her image.

Seeing that things were coming to a head, Nanny Xu no longer kept the secrets. Instead of letting this woman, Ye Liu, talk nonsense, she might as well tell the facts herself.

Therefore, when Mrs. Ye finished speaking, and when Ye Liushi wanted to cry again, Nanny Xu spoke first.

"Returning to the old lady, at the wedding banquet of the young master and the young mistress last night, Xueshi Ye had a dispute with Mu Xu, the Minister of Rites, and then poisoned Mu Xu, causing Mu Xu to almost die. The old man ordered Ye Xueshi to be sent to the Ministry of Criminal Justice to file a case. Even Ye Shilang personally escorted them. And this made the wedding banquet of the young master and the young mistress end before it even started."

Madam Xu was just discussing the matter, and reported what she knew to Mrs. Ye. As for how to judge, Mrs. Ye is not those little girls, she has experienced many bloody storms, and she has her own judgment.

"Grandpa Zhaochao has already defended his father in court today, and tried his best to seek the truth. The Mu family was very annoyed, and the old general Mu even made a move in the morning court. After all, there is only one male left in the Mu family, Mu Shangshu. If this happens again It's over..." It was Ye Yijing who answered the conversation, after all, Nanny Xu didn't know about the affairs in the court, and since the words came to this point, there was no need to say the following words, she should know what it was.

Last night when the incident happened suddenly, Ye Liu was immediately stunned. The point is that she didn't expect her father-in-law and son to be so heartless, so they sent her husband to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

Only Ye Xun would protect her in this family. How could she watch Ye Xun have an accident, so she asked people to stay at Mrs. Ye's place all the time, although she was not sure that she would wake up, but what if?
She woke up right away, as soon as she received the news, she almost rushed over, fearing that she would miss the opportunity to meet.

How did she know that she was only halfway crying when she came to the door, and she was directly robbed of the right to speak.

This Ye Xun was born by this old woman, she didn't believe that this old woman would be so heartless.

"Old lady, please save A Xun, he doesn't have the guts to poison him, he doesn't..." Ye Liu seized the opportunity to cry again, that was called a pear blossom with rain.

Whether Xueshi Ye has the guts to poison, it is not for Ye Liushi to say, as his mother, Mrs. Ye knows it very well, but this is the most annoying thing.

It's most useless to put yourself in a position where you can't argue without doing anything obviously.

And since his father directly handed him over to the Ministry of Punishment, needless to say, the scene at that time must have reached the point where it was necessary, otherwise, if there was a slight leeway, his father would not have done so.

Because Ye Xun is Ye Wenyu's son no matter how incompetent he is.

"Whether you have the guts or not is not just a matter of words. Since all the facts point to him, it means that he is suspected. If there is suspicion, he should be sanctioned. This is beyond doubt."

There was only one male left in the Mu family, Mu Xu. If he really died, this Mu Peng would not overthrow the Yanling City.

Mu Xu's life and death are uncertain, and he, Ye Xun, is just locked up in prison, what's the matter.

It should be shut down and learn more lessons.

In Ye Liu's eyes, Mrs. Ye has always been unfeeling towards Ye Xun, as if this son was not born to her, but Ye Liu thought it was just for her, and she would never ignore Ye Xun's life and death, so She licked her face and begged to come over.

She thought Mrs. Ye would take care of it, but she never thought that Mrs. Ye was still so heartless.

"Old lady, Axun is your son, do you really want to ignore it like this?" Seeing that Mrs. Ye was so heartless, Ye Liushi didn't pretend to cry pitifully. He looked at Mrs. Ye with hatred.

"Ye Xun's crime is a violation of the criminal law. How can a woman in the backyard control me?"

Mrs. Ye's words directly cut off Ye Liu's entire retreat, it's not that she won't help, but that she can't do anything. It's hard to tell her to be a woman to fight against the law.

If she, Ye Liushi, dares to respond, this is a contempt for the king's law, does she not want to live?
Ye Liushi is not stupid for being able to sit on Mrs. Ye for so many years, of course he can't respond.

But if this is the case, her trip this time is tantamount to running for nothing, and this pear blossom with rain is also tantamount to pretending for nothing, she can't swallow this breath.

Ye Liushi was unwilling to continue speaking, but at this moment Ye Yihan's voice came from the door, "Mother, father's matter is a criminal offense, even I have been deprived of the right to intervene, let alone grandma."

Upon hearing this, Ye Liu's stomach became angry. She felt that she was always thinking of this son, but at critical moments, this son was holding her back, just like this time.

Other people's Yeliu family can't roar, but their own can still roar.

"You still have the face to say, you..."

"The old lady has just woken up, just take a look at the realization of the mind, let's all go back, and wait for the old lady to get better in two days before coming to wait and see."

Just as Ye Liu was about to start scolding, he was interrupted again. This time it was Old Ye Ge who spoke, and Ye Liu held back for a moment. After all, Old Ye Ge is the head of the Ye family.

So if Ye Yihan hadn't spoken first, Ye Liu would have been criticized by Ye Ge. Everyone in this room could see this clearly, but Ye Liu, the person involved, couldn't see clearly. He only felt that his son and her were not in the same heart.

Because of Ye Yijing, Mo Chuxiao knew some things about Ye Liu's family, and Ye Yihan, who had always been at odds with Ye Yijing, only saw it clearly when they met today. Yeliu's was the only one who kept going.

I really don't know how Ye Xun's eyes grew back then...

"Grandma, take a good rest. Xiaoxiao and I will come to see you again in two days." As soon as Ye Gelao opened his mouth, Ye Yijing immediately greeted him, and immediately reached out to hold Mo Chuxiao without hesitation. hands.

There were elders in the room, Ye Yijing's action made Mo Chuxiao a little impressive, but her complexion had always been aloof, so even if it was impressive, she couldn't tell.

And even if it was awesome, she didn't break free, even though she had elders, she would not try to win Ye Yijing's face.

But Mrs. Ye only felt happy when she saw this scene.

"Okay, take Xiaoxiao to rest, and come to see grandma in a few days." Afraid of the child's embarrassment, Mrs. Ye catered to Ye Yijing and said this.

But as Mrs. Ye's words fell, Ye Yijing immediately pulled Mo Chuxiao out of the door.

It was so fast that Mo Chuxiao only had time to turn around and nod to Mrs. Ye.

As for Ye Liushi, neither Ye Yijing nor Mo Chuxiao, when they walked past her, they didn't even give her a look.

Mrs. Ye Liu has been looked down upon by Mrs. Ye for many years, but now that she has a daughter-in-law, she still suffers from the cold look. Ye Liu's heart is burning with anger, especially at this moment when she has no chance to ask for help, she is even more angry.

So when Mo Chuxiao walked past her silently, without closing her mouth, she sarcastically said, "The Huainan Palace is a good tutor, and he taught a person who would ignore the elders when he saw them."

Ye Liu's words made Mo Chuxiao stop immediately, and looked over with cold eyes.

It's okay to say that she, Mo Chuxiao, but she must not be brought to the Huainan Palace.

Ye Liushi was shocked by Mo Chuxiao's eyes, but she stared at Mo Chuxiao sarcastically with her neck stuck up.

"Mother, it's getting late, it's time to go back, don't disturb grandma's rest."

Seeing that Mo Chuxiao was about to speak, Ye Yihan spoke suddenly, and stepped forward to pull Yeliu away.

However, what he got in exchange was a slap and a curse from Ye Liushi, "You rebellious son, you even arrested your own father, why did I give birth to such a wolf-hearted thing like you."

Ye Yihan has long been numb to this, but now there is an extra Mo Chuxiao on the scene, which makes him a little bit impressive.

As for this, Mo Chuxiao was also stunned. Who is Ye Yihan? Thinking that such a person is treated like this by his own mother at home, and he is still submissive, this is really...

Especially what Ye Liu said at the moment is very suspicious of accusing Sang and scolding Huai, no, it should be said that it is obvious, not suspicious.

Both Mrs. Ye and Ye Ge have heard about Ye Liu's behavior towards Ye Yihan, but they are mother and son, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, so they don't want to interfere too much, and now they have actually come in front of them. As if they didn't exist, didn't they?
"Ye Liu's..." Mrs. Ye shouted directly.

Hearing this stern shout, Ye Liu's heart was refreshed at the moment, but on the face she pretended to say: "Why is the old lady calling me a concubine? Did you promise to save A Xun?"

"Ye Yihan's surname is Ye. Are you provoking me by fighting Ye Yihan in front of my elder?" Ye Ge, who had only said one word since he came in, opened his mouth very severely.

"Hey, look at what the old man said. Although Ye Yihan's surname is Ye, he was born and raised by my Yeliu family. Doesn't Ye Yihan still recognize my mother? As long as he recognizes, my mother can discipline him."

"Since that's the case, let Ye Yihan be under your discipline from now on." Elder Ye Ge spoke again, and this time the words he spoke were very compromising.

Immediately, Ye Liu raised her eyebrows triumphantly, but she froze before the arc reached the maximum, because...

"From now on, this Ye Yihan has nothing to do with my Ye family, so don't try to occupy the lintel of my Ye family."

Ye Liu could no longer refute these words, what kind of marriage did she use to refute, without the Ye family, what backing would Ye Yihan have, and if Ye Yihan had no backing, what backing would she have.

"It's late at night, Yihan took mother away, don't disturb grandma's rest." Just when Ye Liushi had no steps to go down, Ye Yihan opened his mouth again, stretched out his hand to hold Yeliushi, and then walked out .

(End of this chapter)

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