The soldier is a girl

Chapter 3134 2390: Bai Ze incident

Chapter 3134 2390: Bai Ze incident (fifth watch)

This time, Ye Liu did not resist at all.

Ye Yijing also took advantage of the situation and pulled Mo Chuxiao to turn around and leave.

Immediately, only Mrs. Ye Ge and Mrs. Xu were left in the room.

Nanny Xu also retreated immediately with great insight, and only Mrs. Ye Ge and Mrs. Ye were left in the room in an instant.

Elder Ye Ge walked up to Mrs. Ye in a few steps, and asked, "How do you feel?"

"It's okay, I can't die." Mrs. Ye opened her mouth angrily, and she properly put her anger on Ye Liu's on Ye Ge.

Elder Ye Ge smiled helplessly, "Why are you angry with Mrs. Ye Liu? You're just a clown. Don't lose your identity as Mrs. Ye."

"Return the identity? Hehe..." Mrs. Ye gave a half-hearted smile.

"Don't worry about Ye Xun's affairs, it's too complicated."

"I didn't want to care about it. I didn't know how to give birth to such a thing." Mrs. Ye cursed out of anger, and then said, "How is that kid from the Mu family? Is there any help? Don't let anything happen. , if something really happens, Ye Xun will really not be able to get it out."

Scolding is scolding, but in the end it was born by oneself.

"With the hibiscus, there should be nothing wrong, otherwise how could Mu Peng be so comfortable now." Hearing Mrs. Ye's disguised concern for Ye Xun, Mrs. Ye Ge shook his head helplessly, but he could empathize with him, after all. That Ye Xun is his own child, so he can't really ignore it.

"That's good." Hearing what Ye Ge said, Mrs. Ye felt relieved.

"Yihan is still planted in the hands of that woman Yeliu, back then..."

They are all her own grandchildren, how could Mrs. Ye not treat them equally? It's a pity that she wanted to take the two children to teach together, but Ye Liu thought she was going to kill the child, and Ye Xun also helped, so she didn't care. She pissed off her old bones.

Although Ye Yihan doesn't look too crooked now, he is worse than Ye Yijing after all.

"You don't need to worry about the past. Fortunately, Yihan still has some skills and brains in dealing with things. You should go to bed early, and I won't bother you."

"En." Mrs. Ye replied softly.

Although it was an artificial coma, it was because he hadn't eaten food for many days, so he really lost his strength.

Elder Ye Ge didn't stay any longer, he turned around and left after saying go.


After Ye Yijing pulled Mo Chuxiao away, it didn't take long for them to return to their small courtyard.

As soon as she arrived at her small courtyard, Ye Yijing said to Mo Chuxiao: "Don't take what Ye Liu said, she was targeting me, not you on purpose."

"I know, if I don't take it to heart, she is not worthy." Mo Chuxiao explained his thoughts at the moment in three short sentences.

Ye Yijing looked at Mo Chuxiao steadfastly, seeing her determination in her eyes, she knew that she was not reluctant, so she immediately let go of her heart and said, "You don't have to be polite when you meet her in the future."

"I'm not polite when I talk to your father, she's nothing."

Seeing Mo Chuxiao's arrogance, Ye Yijing remembered that his Xiaoxiao was only docile to him, not to everyone. His Xiaoxiao was the daunting Princess Huainan in Yanling City. He almost forgot .

"Well, I was worrying too much." Ye Yijing immediately laughed.

"It's Ye Yihan, it's really sad to have such a mother, he is still submissive, he was not like this when he was in the outside world."

"It's his mother after all." With just one sentence, Ye Yijing didn't say anything more.

"En." Mo Chuxiao responded lightly, expressing his understanding, and expressing that he would not say more.

"Xiaoxiao..." Ye Yijing suddenly became tired.

"Huh?" Mo Chuxiao looked up at him, full of doubts.

"I said before that if I did something wrong to you, you promised to forgive me." Ye Yijing looked at Mo Chuxiao with extreme caution at the moment.

"So what did you do wrong?" Mo Chuxiao raised his eyebrows, waiting for Ye Yijing to confess and be lenient.

"The matter of grandma's coma was deliberately planned by me. I lied to you and made you worry about it. I also made the appointment and asked for a marriage. I planned everything in advance and made corresponding arrangements, just to marry you. Can you forgive me for lying to you?"

Mu Jin mentioned something about Mrs. Ye's intentional coma on the day of the wedding, so Mo Chuxiao was not surprised at the moment, but she really wanted to know how he planned the appointment and marriage.

Just wanted to know, and didn't blame, because he was trying to marry her for all this.

And he didn't say anything because he didn't want to drag her down. After all, before the end, these things can't be sure that they will be foolproof.

Just asking for a marriage order or something, the emperor at that time was very difficult to mess with, and it was possible for anyone who was not very good to be involved in a lawsuit.

But if she wanted to think this way, she couldn't easily say it out, otherwise he would have to hide it from her next time something happened.

"Tell me how you planned it first?"

"It's a bit long to talk about..." Ye Yijing looked at Mo Chuxiao flatteringly.

"No hurry, we have a lot of time."

Ye Yijing only thinks that the time is so quiet and beautiful when he said a lot of time.

"Well, there's a lot of time, I'll tell you slowly..."


The next day, before dawn, there was rumbling thunder outside, one after another.

At the time of Mao, it was the time when all the officials got up and went to the palace to go to court.

At this time, there was only a ray of light in the sky at Maoshi, but at this moment, the sky was covered by dark clouds so that there was not even a ray of light left.

rumbling, rumbling...

I don't know how long it lasted, but in an instant it turned into the sound of heavy rain.

Fortunately, all the officials who took the carriage to the court brought umbrellas, but even so, walking from the palace gate to the palace waiting for the court, the hem of their clothes and the uppers of their shoes were inevitably wet.

Fortunately, a little eunuch quickly brought a brazier, so that the adults could dry off the dampness on their bodies slightly, so that it would not be so uncomfortable.

It didn't take long before the court time came, and the officials who came later had no time to dry the damp shoe uppers, so they had to follow the brigade towards the Golden Temple.

The whip is sounded, the emperor appears, and all officials pay homage.

Then there are some daily trivial things to participate in.

One of the officials was talking about the autumn harvest in various places this year, but suddenly a soldier rushed in from the gate of the Golden Luan Hall and shouted: "Eight hundred miles, hurry up..."

Xiaobing was drenched all over, as if he was fished out of the lake, running all the way, leaving water stains all the way on the floor tiles of the Jinluan Hall.

But at this moment, it's not the time to care about these things. What you need to care about is the so-called [-]-mile rush that the soldier said.

"I report to Your Majesty, General Bai Zebai was assassinated by many people in Fengcheng on the frontier, fell into the torrent, and his life and death are uncertain." The soldier plopped and knelt down in the middle of the main hall of the Golden Luan Hall.

And the words that came out of the mouth directly deceived all the officials in the court.

The first one to rush out must be Bai Ze's father, Bai Guogong. He rushed out of the crowd, stepped forward and ignored the wetness on Xiaobing's body, grabbed his shirt and asked, "What did you say, what did you say?" Say it again?"

This gesture can be described as a very gaffe in the Golden Luan Hall.

But all this is not the point at the moment.

The little soldier who was caught by Lord Bai repeated immediately: "General Bai Zebai was assassinated by many people in Fengcheng on the frontier, fell into the torrent, and his life and death are uncertain."

"Who, whoever makes the move, who..." Bai Guogong, who has always been very gentle, also went crazy when he learned that his son's life and death were uncertain.

"Calm down, Bai Guogong, calm down." Chi Guogong, who had some friendship with Bai Guogong, stepped out of the crowd, pulled Bai Guogong back, and comforted him.

"Calm down, how can I calm down, I am just such a son. I have been worried for seven years in the border war, but it is fighting for the country and the people are fighting. China, with so many soldiers, why did something happen, why?"

Speaking of this, as if remembering something, Bai Guogong stretched out his hand to grab the soldier's skirt again, and asked: "Why did so many people have an accident with my son? Who is it? Yang Wei, what did Yang Wei do?" , did something happen to him too?"

"General Yang is fine, only General Bai had an accident." Xiao Bing's answer was enough to attract hatred, "But General Yang sent someone to look for it, but the search was fruitless. After all, General Bai was stabbed many times that day. And fell into the rapids again..."

Xiao Bing didn't go on with the following words, but it was enough for Bai Guogong to make up his mind.

Unacceptable, Bai Guogong staggered back and started. If he hadn't been too late to help him, he would have fallen to the ground.

"What's going on, let's start from the beginning." It wasn't until this time that the emperor found an opportunity to speak, but he didn't blame Bai Guogong. After all, it was his son's accident, so it's normal to be overly sad and emotional.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Xiaobing took the order first, and then began to narrate, "That night was the fifteenth day of the Mid-Autumn Festival..."

Although this little soldier was just a little soldier, his narration was well cadenced, and he well presented the dangerous scene that day in front of the emperor and all the officials.

Especially Bai Guogong, his complexion darkened little by little with the little soldier's explanation, until he was ashen ashes in the end.

"The situation that day was probably like this. Afterwards, General Yang led a large army to stay in Fengcheng for three days, just to look for General Bai, but it was unsuccessful. In the end, he had to lead the army to set off in order to escort the prince of Xiao Guo to leave."

So far, the matter of Bai Ze's disappearance is completely over.

And the whole court hall fell into silence.

They didn't know if there was any merit in this explanation, but this person was sent back by Yang Wei, so they couldn't blackmail their own people.

Of course, it wasn't obvious that there was something wrong with Yang Wei.

But the so-called Yang Wei tried his best to protect Bei Tangxiao, which caused Bai Ze to be defeated by the enemy. This reason is really far-fetched no matter how you think.

After all, what Yang Wei took away was two thousand Yang family troops, not two hundred, but two hundred, it seemed that he wouldn't be able to just sit back and watch his back being violated.

Or, it was because Bai Ze tried his best to protect Luo Lian that he died?

But why do so many people attack a little girl?

Besides, this Luo Lian is the daughter of the frontier guard Luosha city lord, no matter what the reason for the attack, shouldn't she try her best to protect her, but what did you, Yang Wei, do?
Hundreds of officials were full of thoughts, and the emperor's expression darkened because of the soldier's statement that he clearly pointed the finger at Yang Wei.

Although it said no, they just pointed out something, but this is not good for Yang Wei.

I just don't know if Yang Wei did it on purpose, or if he was tampered with by others.

"Fengcheng is the city of our Kingdom of Chen. General Yang led two thousand Yang family troops, and Fengcheng even had five thousand defenders. There are so many soldiers and horses, but my son Bai Ze was assassinated and no one rescued him. Okay, It's so good, it's so good...haha...hahaha..."

In a moment of silence, Bai Guogong's meaningful narration suddenly sounded, and the maniacal laughter after the narration was over.

"My son faced tens of thousands of enemy troops and survived seven years of fighting, but he was surrounded by seven thousand soldiers and horses of our Chen Kingdom, and his life and death were unknown. Okay, okay, it's really good..."

Bai Guogong's words almost meant that someone in Chen's country was going to deal with his son Bai Ze.

And who is this person?

Yang Wei?

Or is it the emperor behind Yang Wei?
And is this dealing with Bai Ze really just to deal with Bai Ze or is it meant to deal with Mo Ling, who is headed by Bai Ze?
In an instant, thousands of thoughts flashed through Baiguan's mind.

And the emperor's face turned dark because of this, because he never expected that Duke Bai would dare to risk his life by saying such words, which already meant something.

"My son said that Beitangxiao is very cunning, he will not surrender the city obediently, and may even take the opportunity to cause war. He must watch carefully, and don't let him make trouble again, and don't let the people on the frontier fall into displacement again. Bitter, said that he had fought against that Beitang Xiao at any rate, if he really made a move, he would be able to contain it a little bit, or else he could detect it in advance and take precautions, but now that he has not yet reached the border town, his life or death is uncertain, how can he look at that Bei Tangxiao, how do you want to watch..."

At this moment, Bai Guogong seemed to be caught in his own thoughts, full of satisfaction with his own son, murmured, and didn't know if he still knew what he said.

But whether he knew it or not, these words aroused the vigilance of the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty.

Of course, there are also those who gloat, because they may be punished by the emperor for being so outspoken.

"Poor my son, I only think about the stability of the Chen Kingdom, and the people of the Chen Kingdom, but what I get in return is that life and death are uncertain, life and death are uncertain..."

When the words came to this point, it was probably because Duke Bai was over-stimulated and fell down so suddenly. This time, Duke Chi, who was standing beside him, pulled his hand quickly, but it might be a bit late, and even himself was caught. It was so pulled that it fell down, but fortunately, it protected Bai Guogong's head and did not let him kowtow.

Bai Guogong fainted, but Bai Guogong's words penetrated into the hearts of all the officials in an instant, causing wave after wave.

At this moment, the emperor's complexion can no longer be seen, because at this moment, it is not as simple as anyone can't tolerate the existence of Bai Ze, which has completely affected the foundation of the country.

"Yuejiang, treat Bai Guogong well." The emperor said in a calm voice.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Yue Jiang stepped forward quickly.

After Yue Jiang took Bai Guogong's pulse for a while, Yue Jiang reported to the emperor: "Reporting to Your Majesty, Bai Guogong was so angry that he fell into a coma. I'm afraid he will be in a coma for several days."

So Bai Guogong is not pretending, he is really in a coma, and it will last for several days.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, he cannot be punished for his remarks, otherwise he would be on the right track.

"Yu Shu." Thinking, the emperor said immediately.

"The old slave is here." The speed of speech immediately took orders.

"Send someone to send Bai Guogong home safely, and send an imperial doctor to follow him to take care of Bai Guogong throughout the whole process."


After the number was answered, he immediately went down the stairs on one side and began to arrange for people to carry away the comatose Bai Guogong who was on the Golden Luan Hall.

This side was busy lifting Bai Guogong away, and the emperor said again: "About Bai Ze's disappearance, what do you loves have to say?"

Who dares to say this?
Even if you have an idea, you dare not say it.

"I feel that the exact circumstances of this matter need to be investigated. After all, it was extremely chaotic at that time. Maybe the people of Xiao Guo took the opportunity to make trouble and tried to plant a frame to cause internal strife in Chen."

When no one dares to tell, there is usually someone who is not afraid of death, and that is Qin Jiu.

But at this moment, Qin Jiu's opening was very pleasing to the emperor.

"What did Qin Aiqing say?" the emperor said with a slightly relaxed expression.

"Didn't Bai Guogong say that General Bai once said that Xiao's prince, Beitang Xiao, is very cunning? Maybe it's because of his tricks. After all, the three cities are not a small amount. It's normal if you don't want to hand them over. The people of the country are warlike, and it is not impossible to find an opportunity to start a war again."

"That's a reasonable statement." The emperor praised him, and then said, "What do you love?"

All the officials looked at each other, and then some imperial party stood up silently, saying: "The minister seconded the proposal."

"My minister agrees."

"My minister agrees."


After the sound of seconding opinions fell, Qin Jiu said again: "Of course, this is only one of the possibilities, and whether it is this possibility, or just what Bai Guogong said just now, there are people in our Chen Kingdom who don't want General Bai to live, the result will be irrelevant." It means that our country Chen will once again face the situation of going to war with the country Xiao. Now the life and death of General Bai who has dealt with Xiao country all the year round is uncertain. General Ling has gone to the important place of Xuzhou city. I don’t know if General Yang who went there can resist the people of Xiao country After all, General Yang has never experienced actual combat."

The topic of war or something is much more serious. If one loses and someone breaks through the border, it will be a disaster.

Suddenly some timid officials panicked.

But Mo Ling has already been sent to Xuzhou, and now let the emperor send people to the frontier, isn't it slapping themselves in the face?
It was obvious that they all sent Mo Ling to Xuzhou yesterday.

Suddenly, the hearts of all the officials were like the wind and rain outside the Golden Luan Hall, one was cold and the other was messy.

So who was it that was just looking for something to do to Bai Ze and put them in such a situation?
Qin Jiu's opening this time made the emperor a little dissatisfied, but the emperor knew that what he said was the truth, but felt that it was a little exaggerated. Could it be that no one could defend the border without that Bai Ze and that Mo Ling? live?

And is Beitang brave to be so arrogant?
"Prime Minister Qin's words are wrong. General Yang led the Yang family army, one of the three armies, and he is also a brave and brave general. The flames of war really ignited, and it is not necessarily impossible to resist."

(End of this chapter)

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