The soldier is a girl

Chapter 334 138: Drop the Medicine Bowl

Chapter 334 138: Drop the Medicine Bowl

This is still a high-ranking person, this ear is so soft.

These words made Mo Yu choke.

"Mujin is not so self-confident, please tell me." Mo Yu didn't have time to respond, Mujin threw out another sentence, and then he continued as if he had realized something, "It's Mujin who has overestimated herself, waiter It’s Mu Jin’s turn to take medicine for adults. In the end, Mu Jin is also for safety reasons. Since adults don’t care about Mu Jin, why bother. However, Mu Jin still uglifies and says that if there is a problem, blame Mu Jin’s medicine. But I can’t afford it. Since the adults feel that the hibiscus is an eyesore, and the medicine Hibiscus is also given, let’s go, and don’t be an eyesore to the adults.”

Turning around and leaving after the words fell, that was called a neat move, not giving Mo Yu and Su Yingying any time to react.

But when Mu Jin was about to step out of the house, a figure stepped in from the corridor outside the house, and grabbed her by the arm to stop her from leaving.

Mu Jin shook his arm and didn't shake it off, but was dragged into the room again by the other party following the movement of entering the room. Mu Jin glared at Mo Ling angrily, why did he join in everywhere, why should he come so timely .

Mo Yu probably didn't know what to say because of his identity, but Su Yingying didn't have so many scruples, she realized when Mu Jin was captured by Mo Ling, and happened to see Mo Ling again, and immediately started to sue .

"Brother Ling, you soldier..."

Mo Ling glanced at Su Yingying and said coldly, "I don't need you to worry about my soldiers."

Whether it's the eyes or the words, Su Yingying's face turned pale immediately.

"Seeing that you've been with Yu for half a day, you're probably tired too, go and rest." The next sentence directly issued the order to evict the guest, and Su Yingying's face paled a little, "Remember, don't run around."

This sentence can be called a warning, not only Su Yingying's face turned pale, but even Mo Yu's face turned a little bad.

Su Yingying was brought by Mo Yu, and it was Mo Yu who asked Mo Ling to help Su Yingying into trouble. So far, Mo Ling has not said anything since the Battle of Butterfly Valley. They thought he didn't care, but they didn't want to say it so bluntly at this moment.

"Brother Yu, rest well, Yingying will leave." Su Yingying searched for a long time before she found her voice, said something tremblingly, and then almost fled away.

Mu Jin, whose arm was being grabbed by Mo Ling, took a look at Mo Ling, did this person take the wrong medicine?Didn't you always protect her before, and now you are so angry, is it true that you took the wrong medicine?
When Mu Jin looked at Mo Ling, Mo Yu shook his hand to fetch the medicine, otherwise, he would wait for Mo Ling to feed him or wait for Mu Jin to slap him in the face.

It's just that just as the medicine was about to reach his lips, a hand suddenly knocked over the medicine.

Mo Yu's face changed suddenly, "Mu Jin, you are presumptuous."

The person who was caught by Mo Ling just now had already stood in front of Mo Yu.

After being scolded by Mo Yu, Mu Jin was not moved by his anger at all, but said quietly: "It has become poison, do you still want to drink it?"

Just now, he refused to drink and was hypocritical with her, but now, heh, there is no way to drink.

Mo Yu was taken aback by Mu Jin's words, it took only a few breaths, the medicine that was still good just now turned into poison?

Mo Yu's first reaction was that Mu Jin was making alarmist remarks.

But Mo Ling didn't think so, but looked at Mu Jin and said, "What's going on? I didn't notice anyone nearby." He was only a few steps behind Mu Jin, and he could still hear the movements within a radius of 50 meters.

"Does it have to be someone now? Does it have to be a person?" Mu Jin and Mo Ling fooled around together, she said it was poisonous, who would not believe it?

(End of this chapter)

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