The soldier is a girl

Chapter 335 139: Destined to fall

Chapter 335 139: Destined to fall

Mo Ling didn't know if he realized something, but suddenly stopped talking.

After teasing Mo Ling, Mu Jin looked at Mo Yu again, "Does your lord still think that Mu Jin didn't let Young Master Su touch the medicine bowl just now to embarrass her on purpose?"

Mo Yu was at a loss for words.

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe me." After asking the question, Mu Jin said indifferently, "I can hand over the prescription, and my lord asks someone you trust to make the medicine for you. People of low status like Mu Jin don't come to the lord. It’s not good to hinder your eyes.”

No matter how dull Mo Yu was, he could hear Mu Jin's displeasure, and after he heard it, he became even more displeased. A soldier had lost his temper with him, so she is also qualified?
Seeing that Mo Yu's anger was rising, Mu Jin said again, "Without the general, Mu Jin would not know adults, and would not get involved in these matters. You must know that Mu Jin's status is low, although in the eyes of adults, Mu Jin may be like a grass, But in Mu Jin's own eyes, it is still very valuable, and Mu Jin cherishes his life very much."

Mu Jin's words were like a needle that directly pierced Mo Yu's swelling anger.

Yes, you are noble and humble, yes, you look down on your status and feel that you should not be manipulated by such a person, but you despise others, but you think they are being manipulated, but they cherish their lives. This is a dangerous thing, people are saving their lives to save you, why are you still noble, why do you dislike and rely on yourself, in the final analysis, the person with high self-confidence is not someone else but you.

From the bottom of Mo Yu's heart, a villain scolded Mo Yu fiercely, accusing him of the nobility and elegance in his bones until he bowed his head.

"Your Excellency is good to have a rest. Mu Jin is going to boil a bowl of medicine for you. The prescription will be handed over to you later. You don't have to endure Mu Jin for too long." After saying that, he turned around and left, which was called neat.

Who knows how to play scheming, this is just the beginning, her life is in her hands, and she is still arguing against her with a few words of arrogance and power for a woman, she can't figure it out, if she does this again, she promises , He begged her every day in the future.

Seeing Mu Jin's leaving back, Mo Yu opened his mouth, but he couldn't say anything. He was so stunned by Mu Jin that he was speechless.

Mu Jin's departure immediately left only Mo Ling and Mo Ling in the room.

"Yu, do you know why I risked my life to save Su Yingying?" Mo Ling, who had been silent all this time, said this as soon as he opened his mouth, which made Mo Yu's face turn pale.

Who doesn't know that they are all playing tricks.

"The man was brought by you. In the barracks, I gave you enough face. In order to keep you majestic in front of the officers and men in the army, in order to fulfill your face, I wronged my soldiers. In order to let your prince's mansion not be harsh In order to keep the Emperor's Mansion from falling down and continue to be your backing, in order not to cause all the soldiers to be implicated for no reason and lose your reputation because of your decision to bring Su Yingying here, I risked my life to save Su Yingying, and my soldiers were almost broken. There. In order to cure you, I did not hesitate to injure myself in order to get my soldiers to take action. Once you have an accident, I will let my soldiers go to find medicine for you. As for you, one of my soldiers just has a bad temper, so you will Can't you tolerate it? After all, you are my soldier, Mo Yu, you never thought about showing me any favors."

If it wasn't for Su Yingying who was brought by Mo Yu, if something happened, it would damage Mo Yu's prestige; if it wasn't for Su Yingying who was from the Emperor's Mansion, if something happened, it would damage the face of Chen Kingdom; Involving tens of thousands of soldiers in the army was accused of dereliction of duty. He, Mo Ling, was full and risked his life to save people, and almost took the life of his beloved.

Yes, the one he loves, especially after knowing that she might be a woman, is destined to be doomed in this life.

(End of this chapter)

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