The soldier is a girl

Chapter 336 140: The more you live, the more chapters you go

Chapter 336 140: The more you live, the more you go back
In the past, he always had scruples, and he always resisted his feelings clearly. He also wanted to suppress her temper so that she would not go too far, otherwise she would offend someone one day, and he didn't know what would happen to her.Now that he has fallen, now that he has made up his mind, and now that he can't stand her being intimate with anyone except him, then she can only be his for the rest of her life. Protect who protects.As long as he wants to bully him, he can bully himself, and it's not the turn of others to bully him.

Mo Ling rarely protects anyone, and Mo Yu knows it.He didn't expect that the soldier he didn't like was protected by Mo Ling like this. For a while, Mo Yu didn't know what to say.But Mo Ling's words stuck in his heart.These years, if Mo Ling hadn't helped him, he would have died long ago, not to mention the crown prince.

In the military camp, Mo Ling mentioned it a few times before, but he didn't take his words to heart when he saw that he still punished the soldier. Now that he thinks about it, he was thinking about his face, but he...

"What's more, she can save your life, and you still treat her like a small soldier, Mo Yu, the more you live, the more you go back." After saying this, Mo Yu's face turned paler, "Mujin is my soldier, not bad. , but it’s just a soldier, why do you think she listens to me, let her save you, my favor is exhausted, your body is not a matter of a day or two, are you sure you can guarantee that she can always Heal you obediently? Don’t you know how strong Mu Jin’s temper is?” He was so strong that he couldn’t control it, and Mo Yu wanted to use power to order, even he didn’t dare, so he could only exchange it with conditions.Could it be that he, Mo Yu, was even more embarrassing than Mo Ling in front of Hibiscus.

Just now, what Mu Jin said to him was similar to what Mo Ling said. At that time, he only felt that Mu Jin was too presumptuous as a small soldier. Now when he said it from Mo Ling, he felt how serious it was. He was used to Mo Ling settling everything for him, but Forget that people are different from things, people have their own thoughts, and people will rebel.And for this kind of person who needs help from others, it's useless even if he kills her. Killing her is tantamount to killing himself.

"Ling..." Mo Yu shouted dryly, not knowing what to say.

Mo Ling has long been displeased with Mo Yu's indulgence of Su Yingying. If it wasn't for his indulgence, how could Su Yingying dare to ignore his warning in the barracks.If it wasn't for Quan Moyu's majesty, he would have thrown Su Yingying out of the barracks long ago.

"No matter what, Su Yingying can't be Xiaoyue. Even if Xiaoyue is alive, Xiaoyue will not be like this. Also, this time the other party did it very cleanly, without any flaws. It has probably been arranged for a long time, and there is no result for the time being. But even if you can't find out, it's just those individuals. When you go back to Yanling, you should pay attention to yourself. In addition, it's best not to get involved with the City Lord's Mansion this time. It's not good for you. You have a good rest, and I'll watch it for you Some medicine."

After saying those words, Mo Ling strode into the darkness outside the door, while Mo Yu looked at the dark place where Mo Ling disappeared, wondering where his thoughts drifted...

After Mo Ling left Mo Yu's room, he went straight to the back kitchen, obviously looking for Mu Jin.

The back kitchen was brightly lit, and he could see Mu Jin's figure from a distance, but from that posture, it was not boiling medicine but cooking.

For this, Mo Ling was not surprised at all, her temper was becoming more and more out of control.

Mo Ling stood in the dark corridor for a long time before he lifted his foot and continued on. He had sent someone to check her source, and he would have an answer if he just waited a little longer... just wait a little longer some time...

Suppressing the confusion in his heart, Mo Ling went into the kitchen.

(End of this chapter)

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