The queen of rebirth is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 2369 Her back is covered with cold sweat

Chapter 2369 Her back is covered with cold sweat
It's okay to be bullied by Lucifer, but now one or two treat her like this? !
Pandora walked up to Bai Changle directly, reaching out to grab Bai Changle's collar.

But Bai Changle moved faster, he immediately dodged Pandora's hand, and then said seriously, "You woman is too vicious, don't I just say that you are sick, you actually want to infect me ?!"

Pandora: ...

This is not over yet, Bai Changle immediately walked over to Lucifer and said, "Lucifer, this woman wants to bully me!"

Everyone was stunned.

Brother, you are a man, why are you complaining to our boss in such an aggrieved tone.

Pandora was stunned beside her.

However, the corner of Lucifer's mouth showed the only smile that could be regarded as a smile recently.

He turned his head, his tone was gentle, but indifferent, "Pandora, have you forgotten what I just said?"

"I..." Pandora was stunned, Lucifer was so kind to Bai Changle? !

Lucifer continued, "I don't want to say it a second time."

Pandora realized that the danger was coming, she gritted her teeth, nodded, and said, "Yes, I'll go back right away."

When she turned to leave, she glared at Bai Changle angrily.

That Gu Yan hates it, and her brother hates it even more!

If there is a chance in the future, she will definitely not make life easier for the siblings!
But just as Pandora took a few steps, the high-heeled shoes creaked on the ground, but Lucifer spoke again.

While lowering his head to straighten his gloves, he said slowly, "Don't play tricks, otherwise, I will throw you into the sea and feed the sharks. Believe me, I don't have much patience."

"I, I see." After saying this, Pandora didn't dare to stay any longer, and immediately stepped on her high heels and walked away.

Her back was covered in cold sweat.

Lucifer... guessed her intention.

Pandora is not someone who just sits and waits to die, only one Alger is not enough to support her ambition.

So she's walking around trying to find someone she can use, or...

Although she was spotted by Lucifer, she is not such a person who gives up so easily!
Seeing the poisonous snake go away, Bai Changle exaggeratedly breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, "Lucifer, don't you know how dangerous this woman is? You put such a poisonous snake on board, are you kidding me?" Fire?!"

"Don't worry, no matter how dangerous she is, she won't be dangerous to you and me," Lucifer said in a very gentlemanly manner after approaching, "Come on, let's go over there and talk."

Bai Changle nodded.

Seeing that the uncle was successfully sent to the boss, David also breathed a sigh of relief.

Later...he must apply to the boss, don't follow this Mr. Bai!

He would rather face that Pandora!
No, no, he would rather go to the weapons room and face those cold weapons!
Don't continue to face this man named Bai Changle!
Here, Bai Changle still doesn't know what kind of situation he has forced David into. He walked to the round sofa, sat down carelessly, then leaned back, crossed his legs, and said, "Last time when I was with you The wine is good, is there any more?"

Lucifer smiled gently, "There are more."

Afterwards, he said a few words to the people around him, and told them to get the wine. After a while, someone brought a bottle of Lafite and poured it for Lucifer and Bai Changle respectively.

Bai Changle knew that Lucifer would definitely not poison him to death, so he drank it very calmly.

At this time, Lucifer said slowly, "I heard that you have taken a fancy to me?"


(End of this chapter)

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