The queen of rebirth is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 2370 Jealousy and Possession

Chapter 2370 Jealousy and Possession

It's a good thing that Bai Changle didn't sit directly opposite Lucifer, if he sprayed Lucifer's face with this sip of wine... It is estimated that Lucifer's love for Gu Yan could not save Gu Yan's brother's life Yes.

Here Lucifer has calmly asked his subordinates to clean up all the mess on the table, and Bai Changle didn't dare to drink anymore. He wiped the corners of his mouth with a tissue, and then asked, "Who did you listen to?"

"Is there no such thing?"

"No! Must not!" Just kidding, it's okay to divert other people's attention, let Bai Changle really say I like you to Lucifer, he probably would rather jump into the sea and be chased by torpedoes!

Lucifer actually didn't believe it either. After this period of contact, he finally understood that this Bai Changle, like his sister Gu Yan, was extremely smart, and also knew how to be flexible, and knew how to use all possible powers.

At the critical moment, he made jokes again.

I have to say that this kind of person looks careless and heartless, but when he should be smart, he will never be vague.

Lucifer knew that if Bai Changle did this, he would treat him more politely.

Lucifer took a sip of the wine slowly and asked, "Then what do you want to do? Don't say you don't have any ideas after you've been tossing around like this."

"I, I do have an idea. Don't you like Xiaoyan, then I really want to know, if Xiaoyan hadn't left at the beginning, what would you have done to her?" Bai Changle circled around a few times, and finally came back , he raised his head, with that casual smile still on his face, "Don't lie to me with false words, I really want to know how deep your feelings for my sister are."

Lucifer raised his eyes, looked at him, paused, and said, "I will try my best to keep her by my side."

"...Xiaoyan is not a canary character."

"I know, I don't like Canary either, but I want to keep her by my side. It feels very contradictory."

Bai Changle frowned.

Brother, you are not a contradiction, you are a pervert.

Bai Changle sighed, and said, "It's hard for Xiaoyan to like you like you are like this. You also know what kind of character she is, but you want to imprison her... From this point of view, why do you like her, and why do you like her?" What about her?"

Lucifer paused slightly with the hand holding the wine glass.

What exactly does he like about Gu Yan?
Is it her specialness, is it her excellence?Is it her cunning, her intelligence, she always gives him all kinds of surprises and surprises?

Still, every time I talk to her, I look at the smirk and teasing at the corners of her mouth, or the kind of stubbornness that doesn't want to admit defeat.

After a moment of silence, Lucifer said slowly, "I like the feeling of being with her."

Because with Gu Yan, he will be happy, angry, silent, jealous, and... heartbroken.

Bai Changle's expression was particularly weird, "Family can be together too, so your feelings for Xiaoyan may not necessarily be love."

"No, it's love." Lucifer raised his head, he clearly knew that he had the urge to hug and kiss Gu Yan, and it was definitely not family affection.


Lucifer's eyes darkened.

This is also the reason why he didn't say anything or do anything when he saw Gu Yan dating other men before.

Even after knowing that Gu Yan was pregnant with another man's child, she didn't react much.

It's not that he doesn't know how to be jealous and possessive.

Rather, with his special physique, he couldn't touch Gu Yan at all...

(End of this chapter)

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