The queen of rebirth is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 2440 The most uncomfortable person

Chapter 2440 The most uncomfortable person
The door of the study was pushed open by Gu Yan.

Several people in the room were stunned at the same time, looking at Gu Yan in unison, forgetting what they were going to say.

In the end, it was Xie Luan who broke the silence.

She said in surprise, "Xiaoyan, are you back?"

"Well, my sister-in-law and I just came back." Gu Yan walked in slowly.

At this time, Qin Lanzhi had recovered, and she looked at Gu Yan eagerly, "Xiao Yan, do you also know what happened to Ah Ye? Are you like them, keeping it from me? Are you... ..."

"Mom, don't get excited, sit down first."

"Aye has been missing for so long, how can I not be excited by you? Gu Yan, you are so calm, do you not care about my Aye at all?"

"Lanzhi!" Lu Haiyang couldn't take it anymore, and immediately pulled his wife hard.

The disappearance of Ah Ye made everyone feel uncomfortable.

And the most uncomfortable person is Xiaoyan.

So what Qin Lanzhi said just now was a bit harsh.

Lu Haiyang was worried that his wife would say some unscrupulous words that would hurt Xiaoyan's heart, so he immediately said, "Lanzhi, can't you stay calm? Xiaoyan is Aye's wife and the mother of Aye's children. Is it not difficult to get hurt? Also, can you stop making trouble, the Bai family will feel sad and uncomfortable less than us, if you are so embarrassing again, go back to Yabek by yourself immediately!"

Lu Haiyang was furious.

He had been forbearing just now, but his emotions were on the verge of forbearance.

Bai Changle of the Bai family is also missing, but the people of this big family have to endure Qin Lanzhi's yelling here.

This is due to the good temper and quality of the Bai family.

Otherwise, the noisy Qin Lanzhi would have been kicked out long ago.

It was the first time Qin Lanzhi was yelled at by her husband, and she was stunned.

She froze for a few seconds, tears streaming down her face.

Seeing his wife like this, Lu Haiyang looked like he was one head and two older, but just as he was about to drag her out, Gu Yan spoke up.

"I've already decided to go to Ah Ye and Big Brother."

"Xiaoyan!" Elder Bai raised his head, looking at the stubbornness and determination on his granddaughter's face.

Here Bai Jianxun immediately said, "Xiaoyan, this is no joke! Both Changle and Aye had accidents because they went to that place, you must not go there!"

"Xiaoyan and I have already made a decision." Wen Lan behind Gu Yan also said slowly.

"What? Xiaolan is going too?" Xie Luan was dizzy when he heard this.

Both son and son-in-law had an accident.

Now my daughter and daughter-in-law are going too...

Gu Yan quickly supported Xie Luan, and Bai Jianjun over there said, "I don't agree with you two going!"

Qin Lanzhi, who was caught by Lu Haiyang here, blinked, but didn't understand the specific things, she just looked at Gu Yan with hope, "Xiaoyan, you are going to save Ah Ye, are you? Ah Ye is still alive? Are you?" ?”

"Well, I believe that Ah Ye and my brother must still be alive!"

Lu Haiyang frowned. He also tugged at his wife Qin Lanzhi, and then said to Gu Yan, "Xiaoyan, I don't agree with you guys going to Aye and Changle. That mission is very dangerous, and that place must be full of dangers. You can go!"

Qin Lanzhi originally listened to Gu Yan's words and was full of hope in her heart.

In the next moment, she heard that her husband refused to let Gu Yan go, and she immediately said, "If Xiaoyan doesn't go, who will save Aye? Xiaoyan, you will definitely go to save Aye, right?"

Qin Lanzhi looked at Gu Yan expectantly.

(End of this chapter)

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