Chapter 2441
When Bai Jianxun heard it from the side, he immediately became upset.

He has put up with Qin Lanzhi for a long time.

Bai Jianxun said, "Sister-in-law, what do you mean? Your family's life is fate, but our parent Le Xiaoyan Xiaolan's life is not life? And have you forgotten that Xiaoyan is Aye's wife! That place Do you know how dangerous it is? You are letting Xiaoyan and the others go to die! The relationship is not your own? Or, you have never cared about Xiaoyan, the daughter-in-law!"

Xie Luan also looked unhappy.

After all, Qin Lanzhi's words were a bit too much.

Also too chilling.

Lu Haiyang was also extremely helpless. He pulled his wife away and walked out. When passing by Gu Yan, Lu Haiyang said, "Xiaoyan, I'm sorry! Your mother-in-law can't speak her head, don't be angry. She is angry! I will leave this sentence here, Xiaoyan, we do not agree with you to take risks!"

After saying this, Lu Haiyang didn't care whether Qin Lanzhi liked it or not, he grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her out.

With a bang, the door of the study was closed again.

Qin Lanzhi struggled hard, "Lu Haiyang! Let go of your hand! You hurt me! Why did you drag me out? They are going to save Ah Ye. I'm going to hear how they saved Ah Ye. They... "

"Qin Lanzhi! Can you calm down!"

"How can you calm me down? Our son has been missing for so long. He doesn't know whether he is dead or alive. How can you calm me down!" Qin Lanzhi began to cry while covering her face.

Lu Haiyang yelled directly, "Why are you crying! Our son is a son, isn't someone else's son a son? Have you ever thought about it? If Xiaoyan goes with Wen Lan and something happens again, what will happen to Jianjun and the others?" , they don’t even have a single child!”

Heart to heart.

Lu Haiyang thinks that his wife really shouldn't continue to make such a fuss.

At the beginning, I was worried about her making a fuss, so I kept it from her.

But I didn't expect that she overheard it today, and then the trouble has come to this day.

It has been more than 100 days since his son disappeared. Can Lu Haiyang feel uncomfortable and worried?

The longer the missing time, the more likely it is that Ah Ye has...

The pressure in Lu Haiyang's heart was not small, but he suddenly looked at his wife with a little disappointment after being made such a fuss by his wife today.

Seeing her husband's disappointed and indifferent eyes, Qin Lanzhi panicked. She wanted to reach out to hold Lu Haiyang's hand, but her husband pushed her away.

She said tremblingly, "Ocean, you, are you kidding? Xiaoyan goes with Wen Lan, so why is something going to happen? Didn't we all say before that Xiaoyan is our family's lucky star?"

"Aye and Changle have been special star fighters longer than Xiaoyan and Wen Lan. They are both missing now. Do you think Xiaoyan and the others will not be in danger if they go alone! Lanzhi, Lanzhi, you just now If it is, it will really chill Xiaoyan's heart."

"I..." Qin Lanzhi panicked, but she didn't know what to say or what to do.

Here, because Lu Haiyang took Qin Lanzhi away, the study suddenly became quiet.

Xie Luan walked up to Gu Yan and Wen Lan with red eyes, "No, I don't agree with you two going!"

Bai Jianjun also nodded.

Here Bai Jianxun also said, "Xiaoyan, Xiaolan, we are all worried about Aye and Changle, but you two must not be so impulsive. And Xiaoyan, have you forgotten the four children in the family? The three little ones are only a few months old, less than a year old!"

(End of this chapter)

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