Chapter 2459

Ten days later, the remodeled ship sailed smoothly on the Star Sea.

For ten days, nothing happened.

And now, it's not the day when Lucifer and the others lost contact.

Gu Yan looked down at the marks on the electronic map, and said to Hawkeye on the side, "You mean, when you were on the boat, nothing unusual happened?"

"Well, except that something happened inside of us."

Gu Yan paused, raised her head, and said, "Before you leave the ship, Ah Ye, my brother Chang Le, and Lucifer are all fine, right?"


Gu Yan knew a little about the things on the boat, it was Beilu who told her.

After all, Lucifer and the others had not lost contact at the time.

Gu Yan lowered her eyes slightly, so what happened on that voyage later?

Why is it disconnected?
This very familiar feeling seems to have been heard somewhere, but Gu Yan hasn't remembered it yet, only to see Angel walking over.

Angel leaned there and said to Gu Yan, "Still busy?"

"It's okay, what's the matter?"

It's amazing that now these two people can chat so peacefully.

Probably because the Black Angel doesn't exist anymore.

When Angel was in the Black Angel, he had always been a soy sauce existence.

Hawkeye looked back at Gu Yan and Angel who were chatting, turned around, and walked away slowly.

Here Gu Yan asked curiously, "Angel, you come with me, is there really no problem?"

"Gu Yan, I want to live a free life, not a planned life." Angel's face showed a very slight solemnity.

Gu Yan could feel the seriousness in her tone.

Angel continued, "Maybe in the eyes of my cousins, inheriting the throne is very attractive. But now the universe is no longer the age of kingship, and even if it is the age of kingship, what is there? Maybe I said I Don't care about money or rights, you think it's because I have owned a lot since I was a child, so I don't care."

"No, I don't think so, everyone has different ideas, but, I think, life is only a few decades, as long as the life you live is what you want, it can't be said to be wrong. Gu Yan smiled slightly and said, "No matter what choice you make, you must be responsible for the choice you make."

Angel nodded, and then returned to that cynical look, "Gu Yan, you preach like this, very much like my previous professor."

"Then call me Teacher Gu."

"Hehe, good idea!" Angel turned around to leave, but after taking two steps, he turned his head with clear eyes, "Gu Yan, your husband must still be alive!"

Gu Yan nodded, "Well, I always thought he was still alive!"

In fact, Gu Yan thinks that Lu Ye is still alive, it's not that kind of idea out of thin air.

Although she no longer has supernatural powers, every time she is with her daughter Xiaoyu, Gu Yan always feels that Lu Ye is still alive.

It was a very subtle feeling.

Moreover, this is just Gu Yan's feeling, and there is no other reaction on her daughter Xiaoyu's body.

Gu Yan thought, maybe Xiao Yupei told her in the dark that Ah Ye was still alive!

Just as Gu Yan and his party continued to move forward along that sailing route, a major event happened on the side of the main star.

The child of the Bai family in the noble compound was lost.

(End of this chapter)

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