The queen of rebirth is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 2460 The Child Is Lost

Chapter 2460 The Child Is Lost
The child was lost in the small garden of the compound.

Some people even came in to steal children from the noble compound. This incident shocked the commanders a few times.

It was Xiaoyu who lost it.

Xiao Sheng's eyes were red from crying, he held his stomach, and there was a red palm mark on his cheek.

He choked and said, "The ones who took Xiaoyu away were two tall men. One was fatter and the other was thinner. The thinner one had a big mole on his face. They were both wearing uniforms."

In this compound, there are too many people in uniform.

Moreover, the guards outside didn't stop him, so he must have thought it was someone who often entered here.

Seeing Xiaosheng like this, Xie Luan immediately helped the child up. She was also very sad, but she still said, "Hurry up, send Xiaosheng to the hospital first, he was kicked by that person!"

"Grandma, I'm fine, it's important to find my sister first!"

Xie Luan's red eyes made her feel even more uncomfortable.

Both Bai Jianjun and Bai Jianxun contacted many people here, and started looking for children, and even brought in all the guards in the compound today, as well as cameras.

Just when there was chaos here, a man and a woman had already carried a child and got on the train going south.

For a whole day and night, the child was still not found.

Almost no one in the Bai family closed their eyes all night.

Xiao Sheng came back from the hospital, fortunately the opponent didn't use too much strength in that kick, otherwise Xiao Sheng is still so young, if he was kicked to the point, it would be bad.

Because of the loss of their sister, Xiao Mufeng and Xiao Hanze didn't sleep or cry, they just stared at the adults with big eyes.

Let adults look distressed.

Xie Luan cried with tears in her eyes, "If Xiaoyan comes back and sees that the child is missing, I will blame me... If only I hadn't insisted on taking the children out."

"It's all my fault. If only I had shouted louder..." Xiao Sheng also had red eyes and gritted her teeth.

"My dear Sheng, it's not your fault, it was also my fault at the time, I shouldn't have left you there alone, I..."

"Okay, okay, don't talk about it. Since the other party has put in so much effort to come in and snatch a child away, it's definitely not because they want to hurt the child. I'm afraid they have another purpose." Mr. Bai knocked on the crutches, and then Turning to look at Bai Jianjun, "Any news?"

"Through the camera, two men and a woman came in together. The guard said that the woman entered and exited the compound frequently, and her name was also registered. I have sent people to catch the two men, but the child was not with them. At hand, they said that the woman gave them money and let us come in to steal the child, and all know this matter, they are not breaking the law. "

Bai Jianjun's face was extremely ugly.

Bai Jianxun said next to him, "Stealing a child? He even beat Xiao Sheng, which is not breaking the law?! Brother, could it be someone who has a grudge against our family? And he often goes in and out of the noble compound. Could it be that he is also from the noble system? people?"

"When that woman came in, the registered name was...Qin Lanzhi."

Xie Luan's eyes widened, "What? Qin Lanzhi is very nice, why..."

Xie Luan stood up abruptly, almost fainted in excitement.

Bai Jianjun quickly supported his wife.

And the old man Bai over here already had a gloomy face, and directly dialed the Lu family's phone number.

Qin Lanzhi was at home. She went out to arrange flowers with her friends in the morning. She passed by the vegetable market and bought some pork ribs. She planned to cook ribs, yam and corn soup for Lu Haiyang and the old man.

At this moment, the phone at home suddenly rang.

(End of this chapter)

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