Chapter 2461

Qin Lanzhi thought to herself, who would call at this time?

Could it be that there is something else to do in the ocean work and you have to come back later?
Qin Lanzhi wiped her hands on the apron, walked to the living room, and answered the phone.

"Hey, who is it?"

"Lanzhi, I'm Xiaolan, I have something to do with you, you should come out now."

"Now?" Qin Lanzhi turned her head to look at the clock on the wall in a bit of embarrassment, and said, "But now it's almost dinner time, Xiaolan, if you have anything to do, just tell me on the phone."

She was still thinking about making soup for her husband.

Because of the previous incident, Qin Lanzhi knew that she was in the wrong. Although Lu Haiyang stopped mentioning the divorce, she still wanted to show a good performance.

Li Xiaolan on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, and then said, "No, we have to talk about this matter. I'm in the tea room where the two of us used to drink tea. I'll wait for you."

After saying this, she hung up the phone.

Qin Lanzhi frowned, and said to herself, "What's going on with this Xiaolan, it's weird..."

She hesitated for a while, thought about it, and decided to go out first.

And just as Qin Lanzhi left the house, the next moment, the Lu family's phone rang again.

Because Qin Lanzhi wanted to cook herself, she asked the aunt who was cooking to go home first.

The phone rang for a while, and finally it was when Lu Wenbin came down from upstairs that he answered it.


"Dad, where is Lanzhi?"

"She just said that a friend was looking for her, and she went out first, and will be back in a while." Lu Wenbin immediately frowned and asked, "Yang Hai, what's wrong?"

"Dad, something happened. I'm going home now!"


Half an hour later, Qin Lanzhi saw her friend Li Xiaolan, and...

The baby in Li Xiaolan's arms.

"Xiaolan, this is..."

"This is your granddaughter." Li Xiaolan handed the child to Qin Lanzhi.

Qin Lanzhi's eyes widened, she took the child over, and the baby girl in the swaddle, with a pair of beautiful big eyes, looked at Qin Lanzhi quietly.

Qin Lanzhi raised her face and said with a very complicated mood, "Xiaolan, why did you bring Xiaoyu here!"

"Oh, I originally wanted to help you bring your grandson back, but the three children are unclear. But it's the same, don't you miss your children very much, and so do your granddaughters. I'm all for you." Li Xiaolan Seeing Qin Lanzhi hugging the child, she glanced around.

Seeing what Qin Lanzhi wanted to say, she said, "Wait a minute, I'm going to the bathroom, you watch the child first."

After Li Xiaolan said this, she turned around and walked out.

Qin Lanzhi was in a particularly complicated mood.

Although she originally wanted to take the child back to raise him alone, but after Lu Haiyang told Mr. Lu, she also felt that this was inappropriate.

However, she had already given up, why did Xiaolan bring the child here again?

Qin Lanzhi looked down at Xiao Yu in her arms, and said, "Xiao Yu, did you not sleep well last night? By the way, are you hungry?"

Xiao Yu, who was still a baby, actually felt relieved in her beautiful eyes the moment she saw Qin Lanzhi.

But she is still young and doesn't know how to express it.

It's just that in the arms of a familiar person, the little person finally felt a sense of security, and then sleepiness struck.

Qin Lanzhi felt distressed.

She thought, Xiaoyu must have suffered on the way, after all, she is such a young child.

"This Xiaolan, how does she do things? Hey, I have to talk about her later!"

(End of this chapter)

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