Chapter 2471 Needle Eye

Li Xiaolan was a little hideous at this time, and the expression on her face was a little distorted, "So, I advise you to let me go immediately, as if nothing happened to this matter, then I will give you the antidote."

"Aren't you afraid that we'll find you later?" Bai Jianjun frowned. What is this crazy woman pretending to be?
What age is this, are you still poisoned?

But Bai Jianjun was even more worried about Xiaoyu who was in Lu's house right now!
Since Li Xiaolan said it, she didn't care about anything.

She said, "You are all high-ranking officials. I dare not go through serious legal channels. Who knows what relationship you have. So, this and this antidote, I will give you in batches, and you have to give me Write a letter of guarantee and never trouble me again, so I am willing to give it to you."

Bai Jianjun's eyes were cold and he was angry, but he was still very calm.

He said, "Then this matter has nothing to do with Qin Lanzhi?"

"Whether it has anything to do with her, believe it or not. But the poison, I swear, is real! If you don't believe me, go home and have a look now, the needle hole on the child's arm should still be able to see traces."

Bai Jianjun stood up awkwardly.

He walked out immediately, and happened to meet Lu Haiyang who had just returned.

Lu Haiyang's face was very ugly, but he still said patiently, "Jianjun, this matter, with Lanzhi..."

"This matter has nothing to do with Qin Lanzhi. It's all made up by that Li Xiaolan. There may be someone else who is the mastermind. The other party should be after you. You should think carefully about your enemy."

After hearing what Bai Jianjun said, Lu Haiyang breathed a sigh of relief.

He said, "That's what I thought, but Lanzhi is my wife after all, and I have to find a suitable reason to prove that she didn't do this."

"Well, now we are divided into two groups, you go to those who may attack you, and I will go to your house immediately."

"what happened?"

"The woman said that she gave Xiaoyu an injection, and the medicine was poisonous. I have to send the child to the hospital as soon as possible!"

When Lu Haiyang heard this, his eyes widened, "I just called my family and asked them to send Xiaoyu to the hospital directly!"

This is the fastest method.

Half an hour later, Bai Jianjun arrived at the Interstellar Central Hospital.

Here, Lu Haiyang was really worried about Xiao Yu, so he also rushed over.

Qin Lanzhi was still grounded, and the person guarding the door here was Xie Luan who was very worried about the child and came with Bai Jianjun.

Seeing her husband Bai Jianjun approaching, Xie Luan immediately went up to meet her, and asked anxiously, "Jianjun, what's going on? He told me to send Xiaoyu to the hospital for a physical examination. What happened to the child?"

"I showed you just now, is there a needle hole in her right arm?"

"Well," Xie Luan nodded, and then asked worriedly, "What's wrong with the needle eye? What's the reason? Jianjun, tell me quickly, will Xiaoyu be in danger?"

Bai Jianjun supported his wife, and he said softly, "Xiaoluan, don't worry, wait for the doctor to check up first."

Lu Haiyang next to him looked even uglier.

If the other party came for him, it turned out that his granddaughter was in trouble.

Then what face does he have to meet his son and daughter-in-law who don't know whether he is alive or dead!
Bai Jianjun comforted Xie Luan first, and then waited for the results of the doctor's examination inside.

Every minute seems to pass very long.

Just when several people were anxious and restless, the door of the ward opened slowly.

A doctor in a white coat came out.

(End of this chapter)

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