The queen of rebirth is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 2472 The baby is so cute

Chapter 2472 The baby is so cute

When the three of them saw it, they immediately surrounded him.

Being watched by the two commanders like this, the doctor was quite young and a little panicked.

Lu Haiyang immediately asked, "How, how, how is the child?"

"We have carefully checked the child's body, including the blood test. All the data are fine. The child is very healthy."

The doctor also felt very confused.

The child is healthy, why was he sent to the hospital for physical examination?

Is the child okay?
Several people looked at each other, and their hearts were slightly relieved.

However, the needle holes on the children's arms are real.

Could it be that Li Xiaolan lied?

Saying this is just to scare them?
At this time, Lu Haiyang's cell phone rang, saying that several other people had also been interrogated, that those people had been recruited, and that they were hired by Li Xiaolan.

They followed Li Xiaolan into the aristocratic compound secretly, under the name of Qin Lanzhi.

Because when Qin Lanzhi came here to see the children, Li Xiaolan accompanied them, so they were allowed in.

Then after the child was caught, they gave the child to Li Xiaolan and a man.

"A man?"

Lu Haiyang understood that the problem with this matter lies with that man!
He turned his head and said to Bai Jianjun and his wife, "Jianjun, Xie Luan, why don't you stay here first and stay with the child to see if the child has any other problems, and I'll go find that bastard!"

"Go ahead."

This matter came to Lu Haiyang, how to deal with it, naturally let Lu Haiyang.

Bai Jianjun was only worried about Xiaoyu.

But before Lu Haiyang was about to leave, he grabbed him and said, "Go and interrogate that Li Xiaolan again, and say that no needle holes were found on the child, and the child is in good health. Let's see how she responds."

Lu Haiyang instantly understood Bai Jianjun's meaning and nodded solemnly.

Because he was worried, the child stayed in the hospital for a while to watch.

Xie Luan always felt something was wrong, she asked Bai Jianjun, "Jianjun, what's going on?"

"That Li Xiaolan said that Xiaoyu was poisoned, but now it seems that she may be talking nonsense. Xiaoluan, don't worry, we will put the child in the hospital first, so that if there is any problem, we can respond at any time .”


Xie Luan was very worried, turned around and entered the ward.

Xiao Yu was lying there, waving her small hands, her beautiful eyes sparkled when she saw Xie Luan.

The nurse next to her said with a smile, "Ma'am, this little princess of yours is so sensible and cute. She wrinkled her nose just now when she was having blood drawn. It was obviously in pain, but she didn't cry, but she stared at us with big eyes, as if Let's get the blood drawn quickly."

"This little baby is so cute, it makes me want to have one." A nurse next to her also covered her mouth and smiled.

Another nurse immediately teased her, "First of all, you have to get married first."

"You...huh," the nurse glared at her companion, then turned her head, and said apologetically to Xie Luan, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, let's stop making trouble. We're going out now, there's a bell next to it, if there's any problem, Call us anytime."

"Well, thank you very much."

Xie Luan walked to the bed and sat down. She turned her head and looked at Xiao Yu lying there, her heart softened.

Then, her eyes fell on the needle eye on Xiaoyu's right arm.

(End of this chapter)

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