Chapter 2474 Animal Instinct

There are many conjectures about the explanation of Bermuda, and in the past few decades, many ships and spaceships disappeared in these places and were never found again.

Still unsolved mystery.

There are several conjectures among them, namely the magnetic field theory, the vortex theory, the ground seam theory, and the black hole theory.

Gu Yan turned her head and said to Gongsun Yu, "Although the storm has stopped now, we can't relax. I'm worried that other things will happen later!"

"Well, I'm going to explain to the captain and the others!"

Here Gu Yan looked at Wen Lan, "Sister-in-law, is the reason why all the signals are cut off because of interference like magnetic fields?"

"This possibility is very high. It is reasonable to say that some of our equipment is used by the empire. Ordinary signal interference cannot completely interrupt our signals." Wen Lan said.

Hawkeye next to him also said, "I heard from my younger brother that the signal from Sky Eye is the strongest, so ordinary interference cannot interrupt the opponent. Moreover, after so many years, Sky Eye's signal has never been interrupted. .”

Gu Yan looked at the still dark and gloomy sky with a solemn expression.

Guo Rou next to her immediately asked, "Gu Yan, what's wrong?"

"Aye and the others most likely encountered the same thing as us before, so when Lucifer contacted Beru, he also used the Sky Eye, and at that time, the signal from the Sky Eye was also interrupted."

Several people suddenly looked dignified.

That is to say, they didn't take the wrong path. It is very likely that what they are experiencing now is what Lucifer and his crew experienced three or four months ago!
That is to say...

They are getting closer and closer to the person they want to save!

"My God, what is that in front!"

A crew member yelled out in panic.

Angel and Los Angeles ran to the bow of the boat first, and they were stunned when they saw the scene in front of them.

Rao was used to seeing big scenes, and his expression was extremely ugly at this time.

"Is this the Great Migration?" she murmured.

Luo Cheng next to her has already held her hand.

Everyone ran out and watched the astonishing scene before them.

All kinds of animals in the sea are desperately fleeing in one direction, and the seabirds in the sky are also flying in groups, making shrill calls, and flying fast.

Gu Yan saw the empress, and suddenly said to the people around her, "Turn the boat around quickly! Don't run into this group of animals head-on!"

The bearded captain immediately said, "Yes, we will turn the bow of the ship right away, but, where are we going?"

"Turn the bow of the boat first, and turn on the horsepower!" Gu Yan's heart was pounding.

Animal instincts are sometimes super accurate.

Now the animals in the ocean are panicking like this.

That is, what great danger has happened!

Great dangers in the ocean...

Liu Xingyun also came to the deck, his hair was blown up by the wind.

His expression was also very dignified.

Can't see the joy and sorrow.

If, if abnormal situations appeared one after another, that is to say, his destination was getting closer and closer.

I just hope that everyone doesn't get hurt, that's good.

The frightened dolphins rushed out of the sea, and then fell into the sea, splashing huge waves.

not only that.

Gu Yan saw all kinds of fish passing by on the bottom of the sea.

She even saw the dominant shark in the sea, swimming past their boat in a panic.

Gu Yan turned her head and looked at the direction behind the boat.

Over there...what the hell is there?
(End of this chapter)

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