The queen of rebirth is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 2475 Sea Dragon Scroll

Chapter 2475 Sea Dragon Scroll

However, Gu Yanke soon knew what they were about to face.

Because whether it is a panicked animal or a boat with full horsepower, their speed is far less than the speed of the water wall behind them!
That is a water wall with a height of 30 meters!

They encountered a seaspout!

Gu Yan immediately shouted, "Quick, everyone put on life jackets and go inside the cabin! Close all the doors! Quick!"

At this time, they have no other choice.

If the ship was hit directly by the waterspout and shattered by the wall of water, then everyone would be buried in the sea.

Everyone's face changed, and everyone moved.

Because at this speed, their boat will hit that water wall in less than 10 minutes!
There was already a huge whale, which was rolled into the air, and then fell down heavily.

After seeing this scene, Gu Yan immediately ran to the pilothouse and said to the bearded captain, "Turn quickly and avoid those whales! If the whale is rolled up and hits our ship, the ship will definitely be smashed!"

The bearded captain had cold sweat on his forehead, "The water wall, the water wall..."

Gu Yan looked at the water wall that was getting closer and closer, took a deep breath, and said, "It can only be done, it's fate!"

She grabbed the microphone in the cab and said to the inside, "Everyone on board pay attention, hold on to everything around you, put on a life jacket, and protect yourself the moment the impact comes!"

The sound of this microphone can be transmitted to each room, so everyone will hear it.

And everyone is not ordinary people, if the ship can still be saved, then everyone will only listen to Gu Yan once, and they will know how to better protect themselves when the danger is approaching.

Gu Yan stared closely at the water wall that was getting closer.

If, if Ah Ye and the others also encountered this seaspout, they were still alive, which proved that Gu Yan and the others must still have a chance!
In the ear, there are the screams and screams of various animals.

The voices were endless, causing despair to spread in everyone's heart.

Liu Xingyun sat quietly in the room, with his palms folded, thinking silently in his heart.

Guo Rou and Gongsun Yu's husband and wife held hands tightly together.

The two had known for a long time that this trip was full of dangers, but in order to find out the whereabouts of their companions, they did not regret it!
In another room, Angel and Los Angeles hugged each other tightly.

Los Angeles asked, "Angel, are you afraid?"

"Don't be afraid, even if I die, I will be satisfied if I can die with you."

In another room, the hidden three people are all together.

Moloch was still eating the chips, which weren't crispy because they were so wet, but he still ate the whole bag of chips.

Mephisto sat there with a lot of bandages wrapped around his arms, with a natural expression.

And Miao Xiaoyu stood by the window, looking at the water wall that was getting closer and closer.

And the panicked fish...

She frowned.

Time passed bit by bit.

The water wall is getting closer...

At the same time, Lu Haiyang and others far away on Yabek Star finally finished the matter of stealing the child. It turned out that it was an official business he did before, which caused a man to hold a grudge against him, so they found Li Xiaolan and asked Li Xiaolan to help .

Li Xiaolan has a good relationship with Qin Lanzhi. Originally, she encouraged Qin Lanzhi to do this, because if such troubles broke out, Lu Haiyang's official career would be damaged.

Then it will make Lu Haiyang have conflicts with his in-laws Bai Jianjun.

But what Li Xiaolan didn't expect was that Qin Lanzhi, who had no brains, was scared and didn't dare to do this thing.

(End of this chapter)

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