The queen of rebirth is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 2495 If the food is gone...

Chapter 2495 If the food is gone...

Guo Rou next to her also nodded, and she also agreed, "Yeah, no matter if it's a big octopus or some strange man-eating bird, let's come out as soon as possible. Nothing happened now, it's like the head is hanging down all the time." Like a sword."

On the whole ship, the most calm person is none other than Liu Xingyun.

Other than that, it was Gu Yan.


Gu Yan suddenly raised her head, looked at Moloch, and asked, "Moloch, what did you just say?"

Moloch was taken aback, "I, I didn't say anything just now."

"No, you did."

Moloch: ...

To be honest, Moloch was a little scared by Gu Yan's serious appearance, just like the person in front of him was Lucifer.

It has to be said that Gu Yan's temperament is indeed very similar to Lucifer's. It's no wonder that Lucifer finally recognized Gu Yan as his younger sister.

And it feels oddly appropriate.

Here Moloch immediately corrected his attitude, scratched his head, thought for a while, and then quickly said, "I just said, 'Seeing that the food is getting less and less, what is going to happen next, please hurry up!' That’s it! There’s really nothing else, wow.”

Gu Yan lowered her eyes.

She walked over, found the captain Jack, and asked, "Jack, how much food is left on the ship?"

"It's not too much. About, it's enough for us to eat for five days. That's why I came to see you." Jack's beard grew a lot, almost covering half of his face.

Jack said worriedly, "How can this be good, the fish in the sea can't be eaten, we..."

"They also encountered this problem." Gu Yan murmured.

Several people looked at Gu Yan one after another.

Those present were all smart people, and they immediately understood what Gu Yan meant.

That is the group of Lucifer, after experiencing a series of dangers in the water wall, they also sailed aimlessly for a long time like them.


They also ran out of food.

Here Wen Lan said in a deep voice, "Besides, our food was damaged by the sea water when the boat capsized before. In other words, our support time was not as long as theirs."

The goal of Lucifer and others is the treasure, so they must be moving forward at full speed.

Gu Yan and the others don't know if their food is wasted or not.

Gu Yan and the others just know...

Now they haven't even seen a single piece of garbage on Lucifer's boat.

Will there be any accidents for them?

There was no expression on Wen Lan's face, but her tightly clenched hands indicated her anxiety.

And endless worries about Bai Changle.

Here Moloch touched the tip of his nose, looked at this, then looked at that, he said, "You guys, why don't you talk again? But don't worry, even if the boss and the others have nothing to eat, but definitely I will also find ways to get something to eat. If there is nothing in the sea, maybe there will be on land.”

Having said that...

And now at sea, I haven't seen anything, especially the debris of the ship, there is nothing at all.

If their route is correct, that is to say, Lucifer and their ship are still intact.

"Xiaoyan, what shall we do next?" Wen Lan walked to Gu Yan's side and said softly.

Gu Yan said with burning eyes, "Their boat is not damaged, so it is very likely that they have landed. Sister-in-law, can the detector still be used?"

"There are good times and bad times."

(End of this chapter)

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