Chapter 2496 Seafood Feast
Gu Yan nodded, and she said to Wen Lan and Hawkeye, "Use all possible equipment together to detect where there are islands around!"

"Okay!" The two agreed.

Afterwards, Gu Yan said to the rest of the people, "Our food may not be enough to support us to find people, so now we need to fish and catch seabirds. All the marine life we ​​catch will be given to me first. Check to see if it's edible."

"But Gu Yan, didn't you say before that the biting fish has parasites on it?" Moloch asked inexplicably.

Gu Yan lowered her eyes, and she said while looking for fishing rods and fishing nets, "Poisonous things are not necessarily fatal. Before we had enough food, we naturally didn't worry about it, but now, we can't help it." .For example, a kind of eel is covered with electricity. After people eat it, it will be partially paralyzed, but it will be fine after a while, and so on. As long as the monitoring is done beforehand, there will be no problem. If it is something with deadly toxins, throw it away That's it."


The blue eyes next to her brightened up.

In fact, they also stayed at sea for a long time, in a confined environment, with an endless sea, less and less food, and no companions who had heard from them at all.

From a psychological point of view, these factors will faintly make people feel depressed, and when they become serious, they will start to become manic.

Just like Moloch before.

Gongsun Yu also understood this deeply, and once again admired Gu Yan from the bottom of his heart.

If Gu Yan hadn't been there, I'm afraid that their crew would have had a gap in their hearts, or even fell apart.

Fishing is a very interesting thing, because some creatures in the ocean have mutated and are very fierce. She told everyone to be careful, and everyone immediately went to catch their prey in twos and threes.

The taciturn Cang Lan brought a super big net from nowhere...

Also because of the fishing incident, the tense atmosphere on the boat relaxed again.

And because they have been together day and night for many days, the two groups have become more and more harmonious and warm, and they have helped each other during the fishing process.

The other two people on the boat, who understood human psychology better than Gu Yan, happened to look at each other.

Miao Xiaoyu smiled slightly, and turned to look at the one-eyed fish that Moloch had caught.

But Gongsun Yu turned around and walked to Guo Rou, worried that the fish he caught would attack people.

The delicate balance, like this, was maintained once again.

Gu Yan also breathed a sigh of relief.

The people are not ordinary people, even those who fish and catch shrimp are good players.

After a while, everyone sent all kinds of strange sea creatures one after another, and they came to Gu Yan for identification.

Seeing that Gu Yan was really busy, Angel came over to help Gu Yan.

When Gu Yan looked at these creatures, she also became curious. It turns out that there are still many unknown creatures that are not understood by humans.

"Wow, this little fish is so cute!" Angel said suddenly.

Gu Yan didn't have time to remind Angel, only to see this pink and tender little fish bit off a corner of Angel's plastic glove in one bite.

It was also thanks to Angel's quick response.

Otherwise, it might be her finger that was bitten off!
Although there was no danger, by [-] o'clock in the evening, Gu Yan and the others still found five or six kinds of non-poisonous sea creatures, and seven or eight kinds of sea creatures that were slightly poisonous but not fatal.

Among them, there is a kind of octopus that is more interesting. After eating, it will make people get drunk and show a drunken performance.

After doing all this, everyone was also tired, Gu Yan clapped her hands and said, "Okay, everyone rest first, I will prepare a seafood feast for everyone!"

(End of this chapter)

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