Chapter 2499 found their ship

In this way, after the boat sailed for another five days, the sunny day suddenly began to rain cats and dogs.

The ship, which had already been severely damaged, swayed in the huge waves, like duckweed with no roots and no support.

But for them who lacked fresh water, it rained, which was a good thing after all.

Moloch rushed out, raised his head, opened his mouth, and took a few sips.

But the next moment, he vomited all over.

Moloch frowned, "This rain actually has a strange smell."

Gu Yan took out some utensils, took some, and then did a simple test.

She finally sighed and announced to everyone, "The acid content in this rainwater is very high. It may be affected by the previous submarine volcano, so it is not drinkable."

"We really don't have much fresh water left." Captain Jack was full of worry.

They had brought enough food and fresh water, but who would have thought that they would encounter a wall of water at that time, and the boat would almost capsize.

As a result, a lot of food and fresh water were lost.

There was thunder and lightning outside, and the atmosphere in the cabin was very gloomy.

At this time, Hawkeye rushed over excitedly and said, "The detection equipment has responded! There is an island about two hours away from us!"

At this time, the word island tightly grasps everyone's heart!

After hearing that there was a small island, almost everyone breathed a sigh of relief in unison.

Gu Yan's eyes were shining brightly, "Let's speed up and head towards the island!"

Because of hope, everyone's motivation is particularly sufficient.Everyone performed their duties, and the boat drove fast, like a flash of lightning in the ink-like sea.

Even though it was more than two hours' voyage, Gu Yan and the others approached the island within two hours.

It was still raining, so I don't know the size of the island. Moreover, the savages I saw in the mirage before would be in danger if they went ashore rashly.

Gu Yan thought for a while, let the boat drive around the island for a while, with the light of lightning, some places are cliffs, and some places are gentle coasts.

Because of the heavy rain, no matter whether it was animals or the existence of the suspected savages seen before, there was no trace of them.

Should I go to the island immediately, or wait?

But at this moment, a crew member in charge of the lookout rushed over and said eagerly, "I saw a ship in the direction of six o'clock ahead! I don't know what ship it is, but it is better than ours. The boat needs to be big!"

Jack looked at Gu Yan, and finally said decisively, "Drive over and let's take a look!"

If so, this ship is the ship of Lucifer before.

That said, they're going in exactly the right direction!

They will see Lucifer and others soon!

Gu Yan became agitated, and she squeezed Wen Lan's hand beside her.

She said to Hawkeye, "Hawkeye, you got off that ship at the beginning, we will get closer later, take a closer look, is it the ship that Aye and the others are on!"

Hawkeye nodded solemnly.

He also became nervous.

Hope it's their boat!
I hope my younger brother Jonathan is safe and sound!

The boat where Gu Yan and the others were on slowly approached the big boat. The boat was pitch black, as if the power had been cut off.

The closer you get, the heavier everyone's heart is.

However, because it was still raining heavily, Hawkeye couldn't see clearly. Just when he was hesitating, a thunderbolt suddenly fell from the sky, and the surrounding area was extremely bright for a moment.

Hawkeye's eyes suddenly widened!

(End of this chapter)

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