The queen of rebirth is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 2500 Dangerous!Danger!

Chapter 2500 Dangerous!Danger!
"It's their boat! It's their boat!"

After confirming that it was the boat of Lucifer and the others, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

But the next moment, the problem came.

Why is there no light at all on board, so quietly?
Even if it is to sleep and rest, according to Lucifer's cautious character, it is impossible not to arrange someone to stand guard.

Now this situation is very likely...

Something happened to them.

Gu Yan immediately decided, "We're going to take a look on the boat to make sure if they're still on the boat, and if something happened to them."

"I'll go too!" Guo Rou said immediately.

In an instant, everyone will go.

But the current situation on the ship is unknown, so it is better to go up with fewer people.

The people who finally got on the boat were Gu Yan, Cang Lan, Mephisto, and Guo Rou.

Wen Lan put a kind of intercom on several people, she said, "This kind of intercom works well for short-distance signals, but it is not easy to use when it is far away due to the interference of the magnetic field here. Remember, don't leave that ship."


The four armed themselves, and then they got into a small boat and sailed towards the huge ship in the darkness amidst the huge waves.

"Our task is to check whether there are still people on board. If there is no one, where did they go to see if there is any problem. We will come back here to gather in an hour!" Gu Yan said calmly.

"Yes!" Several people nodded.

Gu Yan and Guo Rou were in a group. When their boat approached, they saw a glass room in the hull, which was already damaged.

Gu Yan's heart sank.

It seems that Aye's ship has also experienced many difficulties and obstacles. Even though their ship is large and strong, it has suffered damage to varying degrees.

Ah Ye, you must not have any accidents!

Gu Yan and Guo Rou entered through the broken glass, and the ground was indeed a mess.

The two held flashlights in their hands and walked slowly.

At the same time, Mephisto and Cang Lan have already gone upstairs to look for it.

Gu Yan and Guo Rou walked for more than ten minutes without seeing anyone, not even a dead body.

However, there are a few pools of blood on the ground, which have dried up. It seems that it should have been there for several days.

"Come on, let's go to the place where the weapons are stored."


The two searched for a few minutes, and then saw the half-empty weapon depot.

This ship is particularly huge, and it has developed a special weapon arsenal. According to Lucifer's ability and personality, these weapons must be various, and he can get any rare weapon.

"Some of the weapons were taken away, that is to say, they may have evacuated on their own initiative," Gu Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

This is already the best result among the results.


Since it is voluntary evacuation, why should it be voluntary evacuation?
Was there an attack?

When Gu Yan passed by the kitchen, she carefully discovered that there was still fresh water in the kitchen, although not much, that is to say, although they had little food and fresh water left, they were not at the end of the road.

So... what happened to them?
At this moment, Gu Yan suddenly felt as if she was being targeted by something dangerous. Her body conditioned reflex was faster than her consciousness, and she bent down quickly.

But at this moment, a black shadow suddenly ran over Gu Yan's head!

If it wasn't for Gu Yan's quick reaction, I'm afraid his head would have been bitten by this thing now!

(End of this chapter)

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