My room has an arbitrary door

Chapter 1101 The Winter Soldier Project...

Chapter 1101 The Winter Soldier Project...


Wei Ziqing looked at Ethan, he wanted to see what he had to say.

"Although the sickle has become one of the most powerful forces in the world, the Avengers has always been on our heads...Of course, if you are here, all this should be said separately!"

"So, what do you mean to say, this time the reunion will allow us to surpass them in one fell swoop?"

"Well, news came from members of the scythe that the Avengers has now been divided into two camps, one is the observance of the new contract headed by Stark, and the other is the free faction headed by the US team. If I didn't expect it wrong If not, this reunion will inevitably break out into a civil war, and this is our chance!"

Hearing Yi Sen's words, Wei Ziqing had to admire Yi Sen's eyes. Indeed, civil war really broke out in the Avengers.

And this civil war also caused the Avengers League to suffer extremely heavy losses.


Use this opportunity to surpass the Avengers?
"It's not just these, is it?"

Ethan nodded: "Sure enough, I still can't hide it from you, do you know the Winter Soldier plan?"

The Winter Soldier Project?

Hearing this name, Wei Ziqing's eyes narrowed immediately.

He actually forgot such an important thing.

This is a forgotten plan, and this plan has an inseparable connection with the US team.

During World War II, the emergence of the US team led to the defeat of World War II. Soon after, the former Soviet Union was directly defeated because of a series of incidents. These are all indistinguishably related to the US team.

It is also against this background that they are eyeing superheroes like the US team and want to make them themselves!
And they succeeded, successfully creating the Winter Soldier, Bucky!
It was only later that the Soviet Union disintegrated, which led to the termination of this plan.

However, the Winter Soldier program was a success.

Winter Soldier: Bucky, a good friend of the American team, is one of the representatives!

"Scythe, you even pulled out the Winter Soldier plan, you really surprised me..."

Wei Ziqing's words stunned Ethan. He originally thought that Wei Ziqing would not know about the Winter Soldier's plan, but how did he think...

When he heard that they surprised him, Ethan suddenly didn't know what to say, with a smile on his face: "You are the one who surprised me, okay? Not many people in the reunion know about the Winter Soldier plan. It was also a clue that the members of the sickle obtained by chance, and you..."

Wei Ziqing smiled, what should I say?Tell him that he already knew it?Just forgot for a while?
"Let's talk about the Winter Soldier plan, what are you going to do?"

Ethan straightened his expression, and said, "Make the best use of everything, if possible, turn all the members of the base into Winter Soldier, of course, at that time, they won't be Winter Soldier, but ghosts from hell! "

Wei Ziqing's expression finally became a little moved.

Although it is said that the scythe base does not have much effect on the real self, but if it is full of winter soldiers, it will be different!

It will definitely be another team under the Immortal Cultivator, Gene Warrior, and Transformer Warrior. With the appearance of the mysterious altar, no one knows what will happen.

Another year...

After a year, I should be able to unlock the ultimate identity of the system, and at that time, the entire system will be under my control, and I won't need points to bring people. At that time, I can take away the entire base.

This can all be of great use!
"The Winter Soldier plan can be implemented, but for the Avengers, let me do it. Moreover, Sickle's ambition is not to compete with the Avengers, it has more important things!"

The Avengers League was organized by Tony, and against the Avengers League, Wei Ziqing didn't want to go so fast, and, if possible, he wouldn't!

"More important things?"

Ethan didn't understand, but thinking about the departure of the evil ghost and Granny Meng, he suddenly seemed to understand.


In Stark Tower.

Tony has been in a bad temper recently.

Because of the measures, I have completely broken up with the US team. Although Black Widow, Vision and others support me, the Scarlet Witch and the others also support the US team!

The current situation has become more and more tense. Both Stephen and Tony clearly know that if this continues, if one of them does not compromise, then the Avengers will have only one end in the end, and that is disintegration!
It is also because of this that Tony returned to this place directly from the Avengers base. This is the place where he can really calm down!

"Damn it, where the hell are you!"

Tony suddenly thought of that person. He knew him best. If he was here, he might understand his painstaking efforts and even support him!
"The last time I left for three years, this time I've been away for another three years, and there is no news. If you dare to show up, I will never bypass you!"

Tony said harshly.

At this moment, a somewhat puzzled voice came directly: "Huh? Has anyone offended you?"

Tony was startled by the sudden voice, this person actually went directly behind him, bypassing Jarvis's induction.

Turning around suddenly, when he saw the face of the visitor, Tony froze for a moment, and then a wave of anger directly covered his face.


Tony roared, and a red steel armored suit suddenly appeared from under his feet, wrapping him up quickly and directly. The time before and after was less than three seconds.

It was at this time that Tony, who was wearing a steel armor suit, directly attacked the person who came, that power did not show any mercy at all.

If this punch hits, let alone a person, even a building can be directly collapsed.

But it was such a punch, but it was easily caught by the visitor.

The visitor looked at Tony and sighed helplessly: "Tony, I didn't mean you. How many years have you been with your temper... Is this how you welcome old friends you haven't seen for many years?"

Tony was not surprised that the attack was blocked, but he still couldn't believe that he resisted it so easily.

However, when he heard what the visitor said, he immediately sneered: "Isn't this kind of welcome test just right for you? It's just that I didn't expect that even if I developed Mark for 43 generations, I still couldn't hurt you. It seems that this In three years, you have improved a lot, Wei Ziqing!"

After speaking, he withdrew his attack, Mark 43 stepped down, turned around and sat on the leather sofa chair, looking at Wei Ziqing indifferently.

Wei Ziqing shrugged, this Tony is really real, after all these years, he is still so arrogant, I am afraid he can bear it himself!
You're not welcome, and just swaggered and sat down in front of Tony, crossed your legs, and looked at him with a smile on your face: "It seems that the matter of the reunion has made you very difficult!"

(End of this chapter)

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