My room has an arbitrary door

Chapter 1102 Undoubted Faction Selection

Chapter 1102 Undoubted Faction Selection
Toby didn't speak, just nodded,
Wei Ziqing's appearance is naturally because he knows what the Fulian is facing now, and more importantly, it may be difficult for him to know.

Now the news is full of these reports all over the world. He is a smart man, how could he not know?

Wei Ziqing shrugged: "The United Nations, the contract jointly signed by 117 countries, I think, you agree?"

"How about disagreeing?"

Tony cried and laughed and looked at his hands: "They all called us superheroes, but our reputation was built on endless blood. Back then, I wanted to close Stark Industries because I knew Someone is using my technology to harm ordinary people.

You persuaded me, saying that this is a double-edged sword. If I don’t do it, others will do it. At that time, and at that time, I can’t get my hands on it. At least the industrial group is in my hands. I have the right to avoid some, So, I kept the industrial group.

But now?
Who can stop us?do you know?Back then in Sokovia, a young boy who had just graduated died, and a building slammed on him. No one could punish us. His mother lost everything, and we, even Not even the simplest sentence of blame.

Not to mention these, you were not present in the first battle in Washington and the first battle in Sokovia, but what about New York?It was you who saved New York from the alien invasion, but you probably don't know how much we have suffered from that scene, right?

The Secretary of State is right, we are very dangerous, in the name of saving the earth, we fight recklessly, without any calculations, whether it is in the wilderness or densely populated cities, we have no hesitation about the consequences..."

Tony's eyes were a little red, and if he looked carefully, he could still see a trace of tears. This was a scene that Wei Ziqing had never seen before.

In his impression, Tony has always been a conceited and arrogant person who would never admit his mistakes, but now...

"Maybe I don't understand your thoughts very well, and I don't agree with your behavior. In my world view, the strong live and the weak perish. Because this is a world where the strong are respected, I can't let others use a piece of law contract that binds me..."

Hearing Wei Ziqing's words, Tony wasn't very surprised, this man, he understands...

He may be a person who loves freedom, and his personality allows him to even destroy a city for his own selfishness, but...

"So, are you here to persuade me not to sign that contract? If so, you are too late. Before last night, I, Black Widow, Vision, etc. have all signed it..."


That's the superhero who appeared in Avengers II, right?

Avengers [-] I was not there, so I am not very familiar with these things, but...

Hearing Tony's words, Wei Ziqing smiled and shook his head: "No, on the contrary, I support you..."

Now it was Tony's turn to be stunned. He had said so much, and even explicitly rejected himself, but now, why did he support himself again?


"Because if I remember correctly, I am also a member of the Avengers behind me, right? So isn't it normal to choose a side?"

Tony shook his head: "I know, although you are not in the Avengers, after the First World War in New York, you were indeed a member of the Avengers, but you said that you disagree with my decision, so why do you still support me?"

Wei Ziqing shook his head, walked to Tony's side, patted his shoulder, and said very seriously, "You said...whether I support you or not, aren't you very pitiful?"

Seeing Wei Ziqing's eyes, Tony's face immediately turned red, and then he roared: "Get out, you are pitiful!"

However, even though he yelled like this, Tony was very moved in his heart. With Wei Ziqing's support, this was enough for him!

Because, at least Tony knew that no matter what, there was still a brother supporting him!

"Okay, okay, don't be moved, now it's time to talk about signing the contract. If I guessed correctly, it should be signed at the United Nations tomorrow, right?"


Tony nodded, but when he saw the smile on the corner of Wei Ziqing's mouth, he suddenly stopped: "Do you think something bad will happen to the signing tomorrow?"

"What do you say?"

Wei Ziqing looked at Tony: "I have a report in my hand. Since you announced that you are Iron Man, the number of people with superpowers in the world has exploded. At the same time, the crime rate is also higher..."

Tony didn't expect Wei Ziqing to adjust this, but he also nodded: "Vision also said, it is true, according to him, most of these people want to challenge us to do it! "

"That's right, since that's the case, then I ask you, if your enemies are finally hated by the world, will you give them a chance to cleanse themselves?"

Tony's eyes widened: "You mean..."

Wei Ziqing nodded.

Tony stood up: "No, I have to contact Black Widow, this matter..."

"Don't worry, we may take this opportunity to lead the enemy out, but we still need to contact the Black Widow, at least, we can avoid some casualties!"

Tony nodded.

Looking at Tony who was contacting the Black Widow, Wei Ziqing heaved a sigh of relief. With a vigilant Black Widow, casualties should be avoided, right?

And in this way, the Winter Soldier and that poor man can also be drawn out, and the location of the Winter Soldier's plan can be known to him, right?
the next day!
Just as the United Nations was giving a speech after signing the contract, suddenly the entire United Nations building exploded.

In this explosion, although no one was killed, the whole world became completely angry. At this time, the Avengers finally ushered in another conflict!

Because, when looking for the murderer, it was discovered that the murderer this time was none other than Bucky the Winter Soldier!

"Impossible! How could it be Bucky, there must be something wrong with this matter, Bucky doesn't..."

"Isn't it possible that he did it? Just because he saved your life? What about this evidence?"

Stephen of the American team had the first instinct that Bucky did not do it, but when he heard what Vision and the others said, he immediately didn't know what to say.

With evidence, he couldn't refute it at all!

Falcon looked around, and suddenly found that Tony was not here, so he asked, "Where is Tony? Where is he at this time?"

The Scarlet Witch explained: "Tony said he would bring a friend, so he should be here by now, right?"


These words made the tense atmosphere come to a standstill, is it Saul?Or Banner?
And at this moment, Tony finally came to the Avengers. When he stepped into the meeting room, everyone found a man standing next to Tony.

When he saw this man, Stephen stood up abruptly and exclaimed, "It's you, when did you come back?"

(End of this chapter)

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