Chapter 1103
"This all know each other?"

Not only Steve, but General Ross also looked surprised, while the Scarlet Witch and the others were immediately puzzled.

The person in front of him is not Banner or Thor, but a completely unknown person.

Judging by their reactions, it seems that they are still very familiar. What's going on?

"You all know the sickle base, right?"

No one explained, but Vision stared at the man and said in a low voice.

"Scythe base? A sickle in Afghanistan?"

Regarding the sickle, it can be said that the whole world can't understand it clearly, because it is a peculiar organization that controls the entire Afghanistan with absolute power, and has become the real power behind Afghanistan.

The origin and establishment are all a legend!
What is even more legendary is their style. Not only do they have no other bases to launch random attacks, but they also try their best to protect the whole of Afghanistan. After taking control of Afghanistan with the sickle, not only is there no war in Afghanistan, every year, the CDP of the whole of Afghanistan rises by as much as 5.00 %Hundred.

And this kind of growth is only a growth on the bright side, some data did not appear at all, for example, the military industry of the sickle base...

This is a military tycoon second only to Stark Industries!

"That's right, it's that scythe, and the person in front of you is the true leader of the scythe, known as: God of Death!"

grim Reaper!

Hearing this, everyone's pupils constricted immediately: "New York is invaded by aliens, the god of death from the scythe, it is said that eighteen superheroes appeared on the battlefield in New York, known as eighteen Shuras, and these eighteen Shuras , is his subordinate..."

It has only been a few years since the New York incident, and it is still very clear, but no one thought that the god of death would appear here. You know, according to legend, the god of death has disappeared!

"I'm curious how he would appear here?"

Vision glanced at everyone: "He was one of the first few members of Avengers, together with Tony, Captain America, Black Widow, Banner, Thor, and Hawkeye, and at that time, Ross was not a member one!"

This news is even more explosive than the identity of the god of death.

He is also a member of the Avengers?

"But why..." The Scarlet Witch and the others asked in confusion.

"Why is there no information about him in the Avengers?"

The crowd nodded.

"That's because the S.H.I.E.L.D. had a falling out with him. More importantly, the S.H.I.E.L.D. had no information on him, and couldn't control him... If you want to tell the truth, that is, the S.H.I.E.L.D. Afraid of him!"


Now everyone gasped, SHIELD was afraid of a person, no wonder, there was no news of him!
Regarding the appearance of this person, how shocked the other members of the Avengers would be, the US team didn't want to pay attention to it, but stared at Wei Ziqing: "When did you come back?"

Stephen thought his relationship with Wei Ziqing was not bad, but he also knew that it was far from enough compared to Tony.

So he also knew what would happen, but he still didn't want to talk about that matter so quickly.

However, Stephen was obviously disappointed, because the first thing Wei Ziqing said was this: "Not long after I came back, I haven't heard anything about the Avengers. I think I am also a member of the Avengers. Perhaps, there should be You are qualified to say these things!"


Following Wei Ziqing's words, everyone's expressions changed.

Tony was fine, he had known Wei Ziqing's attitude for a long time, but others didn't. Now that he heard him say this, he immediately became a little nervous.

They know the prestige of Death God, even if Sol and Banner are two bombs, they can't be his opponents, and his statement now can be said to be the last straw that broke the camel's camel!
Seeing Wei Ziqing who had sat down with a smile after saying this, Stephen's expression darkened immediately, he sat down, looked at Wei Ziqing and said, "I know, so what do you think?"


Wei Ziqing smiled and didn't answer, but looked like Vision and others. From Wei Ziqing's eyes, everyone just felt a feeling of being seen through.

"I haven't seen you for a few years. There are more and more members in the Avengers. I don't know many new faces..."

"It's a lot, it's Vision, Scarlet Witch, War Machine..."

Tony sat aside but kept silent, Stephen could only introduce, and everyone nodded.

Wei Ziqing nodded slightly, and then looked at Stephen: "There will only be more and more people in the reunion. Do you think that when the number reaches a certain level, can everyone be like you?"

Stephen frowned: "Is there something in your words?"

"Well, I remember, someone told me a word: There are no rules, no circles, this is a civilized world, although superpowers are no longer ordinary people, but they also need rules, the new contract, Tony is not Tell me, I know too..."

"It seems that you are on Tony's side?"

Stephen took a deep breath and stood up: "If you want me to sign, I absolutely disagree..."

Stephen wanted to say that Wei Ziqing had already interrupted: "I know, so I didn't try to force you to agree with Tony's point of view. On the contrary, I actually don't agree with Tony either..."


Now let alone Stephen and others, even Tony was a little stunned, didn't he say he supported him?

Why now...

"Of course, I still agree with Tony's decision, because I agree with one thing in it, that is: the battlefield between the Avengers and superpowers must not involve the world of ordinary people..."

As soon as these words came out, Stephen fell silent immediately.The same goes for everyone...

The biggest contradiction in the Avengers League now was born precisely because of this incident.

"I understand, I also know this matter, and I even agree with it, but what I can't agree with is that if we really want to abide by the constraints on all of us in this contract, we will not be us, but It has really become a government machine!"

Now, even Tony is silent!
At this moment, he seemed to understand Stephen's difficulty. One is for freedom and the other is for civilians. These two things that seem to have nothing to do with each other can't have both!

"So, I have a better way now, I don't know, do you want to hear it?"

Wei Ziqing finally revealed his true colors!
"Do you have a better way?"

Hearing this, everyone was stunned, and Tony also stood up: "Why didn't you tell me?"

Tony is a little angry, there is a better way, why don't you say it in advance, just say it now!
Wei Ziqing shrugged: "I just thought of this!"

Who believes?

Everyone didn't believe Wei Ziqing's words, but... they didn't know how to refute.

Stephen took a deep breath and said solemnly: "I want to hear your method..."

Yes, neither Stephen nor Tony wanted the Avengers to go to the point where the civil war disintegrated. Now there is a better way, and they all want to seize a chance!
"It's very simple, open a new contract, and there is only one rule of the new contract, that is, every time a battle is played, the location of the battlefield is controlled by the scythe base!"

(End of this chapter)

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