It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1000 Competing for meritorious service

Chapter 1000 Competing for meritorious service
"Wait, I'll go with you." Jin Zijin said, and began to write something quickly with a pen.

"Then I'll prepare first." Gu Youyou said.

After he finished writing several letters and one of them was folded and put in the memorial, he got up and went out.

Gu Youyou acted swiftly and resolutely, giving instructions to Xiang Toon while walking.

"Go to Gu Yunxi, tell him I'm going on a long trip, and ask him to prepare a bigger carriage."

"Yin Shuang, prepare the items for going out, prepare more clothes and food, and the main food is flat pancakes that can be filled."

"Sercy, go to Jishengtang and ask shopkeeper Hu to prepare some emergency medicines, which are easy to carry, mainly for cold. Also, you come with me."

"After I go out, you should keep a low profile at home and take a good look at the house."

Jin Zijin was also preparing to go out, with the same high efficiency and orderliness, everything was ready soon, and they got into the carriage together.

The news quickly spread to the palace.

The emperor frowned while holding the memorial sent back by Jin Zijin, and remained silent for a long time.

Eunuch Wan stepped forward to persuade him: "Your Majesty, it is a good thing that the First Prince personally went to the disaster area to show compassion for the people."

"But he hasn't been in the palace since he got married."

The corner of Eunuch Wan's mouth twitched, and he said: "But the eldest prince has read these memorials seriously, and if he doesn't come, he won't delay the important event. The eldest prince is newly married, young, and it's normal to be greedy for spring."

The emperor was amused by Eunuch Wan's words, looked at Eunuch Wan meaningfully, and said, "You are an eunuch, do you know about lusting for spring?"

"This... hehe, I've never eaten pork, but I've seen pigs walk. The emperor made fun of this old slave."

"Haha..." The emperor laughed loudly, sat back on the large dragon chair, and said, "Since he has gone to show compassion for the people, I will let him become famous as a teacher. You go out of the palace and call Xie Huanzhi to rescue the disaster." This kind of thing is a laborious and time-consuming thing, he is the most free in the court, so let him assist the eldest prince to do it."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Eunuch Wan received the emperor's oral order and went outside the palace to explain to His Excellency, but the emperor's expression sank again.

He murmured to himself in a low voice, "You don't want to enter the palace, but you already guessed that I intend to make you a crown prince? So you actually don't want to be a crown prince. Alas! For the first half of my life, I planned for the throne, and for the second half of my life... ...and for whom?"


The king of Jin and Duke Hu hurriedly entered the palace to meet the emperor. Duke Hu asked for an order for King Jin to go out of the palace to face the disaster in Yangguan City.

The reason is that when the news of the flood reached the capital, the First Prince rushed out of the city immediately. King Jin's biggest enemy now is Jin Zijin, how could he fall behind?
The speed at which they entered the palace was the same as the speed at which the emperor recruited Xie Huanzhi to enter the palace.

"Huanzhi, I invited you into the palace to discuss with you about the flood in Yangguan City. What's the matter with Xiao Ran and Hu Guogong rushing into the palace?"

"Your Majesty, this old minister is also concerned about the flood in Yangguan City." Duke Protector kowtowed hurriedly.

"Duke Protector, please stand up and speak."

He is another rare old guy in Zhuzhao Kingdom, the queen's grandfather, and he is also over 80 years old now.

At such an old age, his body is incomparable to that of an old Taoist guy. He was panting from walking too fast, and the emperor hurriedly asked someone to give him a seat.

"Duke Protector, what is your opinion on the flood in Yangguan City?"

The Lord Protector sat on the stool, cupped his hands to the emperor and said, "Your Majesty, the old minister thinks that the flood in Yangguan City is serious and must be taken very seriously. Only the Eldest Prince can't go down, King Jin has to go too..."

(End of this chapter)

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