Chapter 1001 Encounter Yuan Cheng
The Duke Huguo's long speech was nothing more than that Jin Zijin came back from outside, and his previous identity was a Taoist. He went to relieve disasters. Maybe the common people will think about it. Maybe they will record this merit on the Taoists and tell the court It doesn't matter at all.

After all, Jin Zijin's influence in Taoism far exceeds that of the court.

But King Jin is different, he is the common child of the emperor and the empress, and his status is incomparably noble. When King Jin comes forward, he will show the mighty kindness of the emperor, representing the royal family and the imperial court.

The emperor listened to Duke Huan finish his long speech with an educated look, then nodded and said: "Duke Huan thought deeply, and what he said was very reasonable. Then Xiao Ran went to the disaster relief with Huanzhi, and met Zijin... ..." The emperor sighed and said: "If you meet him, let him come back as soon as possible!"

How could he not know what Duke Protector thought?It's just that now is not the time to compete with them for credit.

Moreover, the disaster is serious this time, and the credit is not so contestable.

But they really misunderstood, Jin Zijin really didn't mean to compete with them for credit, he just accompanied his new wife to pick up her natal relatives.


I met many disaster victims along the way, if it wasn't for the martial arts skills of the people led by Jin Zijin, it is estimated that their carriages have been robbed many times.

Gu Youyou inquired about the whereabouts of the Gu family all the way. After searching for three days, she encountered countless disaster victims, but there was still no news of them.

On the fourth day, they met Yuan Cheng who was fleeing.

Yuan Chengcheng has grown into a handsome young man with a strong sense of book, but his escape all the way made him look more like a beggar.

"Sister Youyou, Sister Youyou..." He looked very excited when he saw Gu Youyou.

Gu Youyou got off the carriage and hurriedly comforted him.

"Don't talk yet, drink some water and eat something."

There were a lot of disaster victims with him, Gu Youyou didn't dare to take out the food, so he could only tell him to get on the carriage first.

The companions are envious and jealous of Yuan Cheng, why can this little beggar get into the carriage, but they can't?

"We also want to get in the carriage, and we also need to eat. My lords, please do me a favor and give us a way to survive."

Jin Zijin stopped in front of the carriage and said to them: "You are heading north. The disaster relief ministers of the imperial court are already on the way. They will arrange your whereabouts. We are only looking for relatives who were affected by the disaster in Yangguan City. We have limited strength. I can't save everyone."

Although their carriage was big, it didn't look luxurious. Jin Zijin and the others were also dressed very plainly, ordinary civilian clothes, so the victims quickly let them go.

They are all poor people, eager to find their relatives who were affected by the disaster. How could they make things difficult for them when they are not hungry enough to eat human flesh?
Besides, they didn't have much strength left in this group, so naturally they couldn't grab it.

In the carriage, Yuan Cheng drank water, ate some food, washed his dirty face, and then slowly told what happened these days.

"It has been raining heavily before, and it has been raining for half a month. Instead of falling, the rain is getting bigger and bigger. Finally, the flash flood broke out, and everyone rushed for their lives."

"Then why are you alone, what about the others?" Gu Youyou asked worriedly.

Yuan Cheng wiped the tears from his eyes and said: "Brother Qin went to the Gu family in Lianhua Village that day. He heard that Sister Youyou, your second uncle, was ill. He looked very ill. The disaster in Lianhua Village was the worst. Everyone else in the living hall ran for their lives first. I kept waiting for Brother Qin to come back, but I didn’t wait. Later, I followed the last batch of refugees in Qingshui Town to the north. Sister Youyou, I don’t know what happened to Brother Qin , will he, will he not be able to get out?"

(End of this chapter)

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