It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1010 Find out who spread the rumors

Chapter 1010 Find out who spread the rumors
There was a smile on the old Duke Huguo's face. Who else could accomplish such a big event, except King Jin who he supported?
The emperor is actually a Mingjun.

"Your Majesty, the crown prince is related to the lifeblood of the country, this is too..." Of course, apart from the happy Duke Protector, there were still voices of opposition in the court.

Because from their point of view, the emperor's move undoubtedly identified King Jin. With the power of the Duke's Mansion, they are the people who are most likely to accomplish this.

The emperor stopped those who spoke, and said: "It's time to train them, let them do it by themselves, and the lovers are not allowed to help, this is also an imperial decree." After finishing speaking, he glanced at Duke Huguo intentionally or unintentionally. .

The old face of Lord Protector who smiled like a chrysanthemum froze and withered instantly.


This season is the time of the year when food is most scarce.

The new year's grain in the field is not yet ripe, and last year's grain is almost gone. Even if the imperial court attaches great importance to the disaster situation here and is going around to collect it, it will not be able to get it.

Therefore, the people in the disaster area, on the basis of the base board, have one steamed bun per day, or one big cake to hang their lives.

Those who are sick have to drink porridge, but the food expenditure in a day is not a small sum.

Xie Huanzhi obviously felt the pressure of disaster relief, so he had to go see King Jin.

It’s just that His Royal Highness King Jin has not even talked about the issue of whether the victims have enough food in recent days. He has no intention of harassing Circe, and only focuses on finding out what is going on with the rumor.

If the current emperor is not the true destiny, then what is he?So for him, that's business.

Of course, this is also because of receiving the imperial decree from the capital. Among the several princes, whoever insists on this matter will be the prince.

He has been fighting with his mother for so many years, seeing that the crown prince is in sight, how can he still care about other things?
As for beauties, when he becomes a prince and will become an emperor in the future, he won't be able to get any kind of beauties.

That hot, thorny, poisonous one must also be his.

"His Royal Highness, the food is not enough, do you want to..."

"Let me explain, Master Xie!" Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted impatiently by King Jin, saying: "The important thing now is not whether those unscrupulous people will starve to death, but who is spreading rumors everywhere. Wait for this king to check Come out, those troublemakers who spread rumors will die, and when there are fewer people, won't there be enough food?
Mr. Xie, instead of worrying about the food issue all day long, why don't you help me think about how to find out the troublemakers who spread rumors.Don't forget, you were appointed together with this king, and if this matter is resolved, the emperor will never forget your contribution, and neither will this king. "

The imperial decree said that all the ministers in the court cannot help, except for Xie Huanzhi.

Because he has been appointed to provide disaster relief, he knows the situation in the disaster area best, and the imperial court will not call him back at this time.

So after all the calculations, King Jin took advantage of it. Jin Zijin and Jin Tingyu had no one to help, so he still had Xie Huanzhi.

Xie Huanzhi is a person who can do things well, he is good at everything, but he is a bit rigid.

Mr. Xie has no intention of participating in the seizure of the heir apparent, in his heart, he only remembers what the emperor told him.

His complexion was as dull as a piece of wood. Facing King Jin like this, he was both helpless and heartbroken.

In my heart, I only have the position of the prince, only the throne, and turn a blind eye to the mourning people outside. How can such a person be the emperor?

But King Jin could turn a blind eye, but he couldn't.

(End of this chapter)

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