It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1011 I'm fed up and rebel

Chapter 1011 I'm fed up and rebel
He has always been a practical man.

"His Royal Highness, I feel that you have misunderstood the imperial decree of the emperor."

"What misunderstanding?" King Jin was startled.

The imperial decree, the throne, these things can always stir his nerves in an instant.

Mr. Xie cupped his hands and said, "What the emperor said is that the emperor who solves this natural and man-made disaster can be crowned prince, but Your Highness Prince Jin, you only care about the rumors of man-made disasters, but you ignore the natural disasters before the man-made disasters.

Now that the common people are displaced and have no food to eat, coupled with the fact that some people deliberately instigate it, it is the current situation where rumors are everywhere.

Because they are not living well and are about to die, they feel that this is a punishment from the heavens, and that the emperor has angered the heavens.However, if His Royal Highness King Jin can allow them to live and live a good life, they will naturally feel that this is the grace of the heavens, the emperor's grace is mighty, and the rumors that spread around will be self-defeating. "

Xie Huanzhi's words were very to the point, if not a first-class loyal minister, who would say such heart-to-heart words at such a sensitive time?
Pianpian listened to the wrong person.

Xie Huanzhi thought so, but King Jin didn't.

He felt that this incident was obviously promoted by someone deliberately, who wanted to take advantage of this natural disaster to replace the imperial power, but Xie Huanzhi said here that it was because everyone did not eat and drink well.

Every day in this place where the birds don't shit, he hasn't eaten well yet?

Look, he didn't complain, didn't he just eat the steamed buns and vegetables?
The King of Jin frowned and said lightly: "Master Xie, you are a civil servant and speech officer. This king understands your thoughts very well, but Mr. Xie, your thinking is too simple..."

He pulled a stool and asked Xie Huanzhi to sit down.

"Master Xie, sit down first, and I will talk to you slowly."

Xie Huanzhi had an expression full of sex, and he could guess what he would say without listening.

It's like talking to cows, chickens and ducks. Their thinking is completely different from the same channel. One is based on the people, and the other is on power. How can it be possible to talk together?
But he was the King of Jin, no matter how impatient Xie Huanzhi was, he could only sit down and listen to his high-spirited talks.

"My lord Xie, in recent days, I have observed these unruly people and found that they already have the intention of rebelling. Why don't they rebel now? It's not because they don't have enough food and don't have the strength to rebel.

Believe it or not, if they have enough food now, they will definitely arrest you and me, and maybe kill Jiqi. "

Xie Huanzhi couldn't even smile bitterly, he just sat there in a daze, waiting for King Jin to continue talking.

"We can't be so stupid, not to mention that there is no food now, even if we have a lot of food, we will not be able to feed them enough to give them the strength to deal with us."

Xie Huanzhi silently moved his eyes out of the window, looking at the old and weak women and children.

"If you don't bring out those who incited the rumors, this king will not dare to treat these disaster victims wholeheartedly. If you feed them and jump up to rebel, wouldn't this king become a sinner for the country?"

The corner of Xie Huanzhi's mouth twitched, and he said flatly: "But they are all starving to death, the young people are fine, the elderly and children are already weak, they can't bear it."

"Isn't that better?" King Jin laughed, criticizing an old woman who was too old and toothless and said, "Look at her, let's say at least seventy, she has no teeth, and she can't eat anything." Even if such a person lived for half a year, how long can she live? One year? Two years? Or three years?
(End of this chapter)

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