Chapter 1012
Will she still have to die three years later?You look at her appearance, her legs are not good, I think her children and grandchildren have always carried her behind her back, such a person is alive and hurts her children and grandchildren, it is better to die early and leave the food to her children and grandchildren.Only in this way can she win more chances of survival for her descendants. "

"You...His Royal Highness Jin, how can you think like this? Baishan filial piety is the first, you only see that she is useless now, and is dragging down her descendants, but you can't see that when she was young, she worked hard to make her descendants Are they grown up?"

Xie Huanzhi felt that his three views had been refreshed, and looked at King Jin in shock.

King Jin didn't care about it, and suddenly laughed, and said: "Master Xie, now I understand why your two young masters ran away to join the army. You are stubborn and don't know how to adapt." , It’s too emotional! If you ask the young master to answer these questions, they will definitely think like this king.”

The corner of Xie Huanzhi's mouth twitched fiercely.

At this time, King Jin stood up and looked at the big tent in the distance.

The people in the tent were people who had tuberculosis and were quarantined. These people were also eating food.

Moreover, these people cannot be cured, and their number is gradually increasing.

King Jin sighed: "If you want me to say, those people can run out of food. Mr. Xie, didn't you say there is a shortage of food? Saving their food should solve the problem of food shortage?"

Xie Huanzhi really felt that there was no need to calm down with King Jin. They couldn't continue talking. He was afraid that if he listened to King Jin's words, he would not be able to hold back his violent temper, and would scold his two sons. King Jin vomited blood from scolding.

"I'm in a hurry to urinate, I'm leaving."

This is the most clumsy escape method Xie Huanzhi has used since he has lived for decades.


King Jin is a man of action. Since he said so, he will act the next day.

He began to interrogate the source of the rumors among the victims, and one confessed to the other, and those who did not tell would be beaten up, and if the food was cut off, he would not believe it, and he would not be able to touch the melon if he followed the vine.

In addition, he also ran out of food in the isolation ward established by Circe, claiming that the good people were starving to death, and who could control the sick.

People like Circe have been cultivated with some kindness by Gu Youyou now, but her nature is still so real.

She felt that what King Jin said was reasonable, if Mr. Xie hadn't asked her to cure him, she wouldn't have cured her.

These people don't spend half a dime, and she can't cure tuberculosis, so why waste all that time.

So King Jin asked her to ignore it, and she really ignored it.

In addition, regardless of the old and the weak, women and children, only the useful young and middle-aged people can save a lot of food.

He also rewarded those who confessed and spread rumors honestly. The more confessions, the more rewards.In order to get more life-saving steamed buns, the extremely hungry victims began to accuse each other indiscriminately.

Mr. Xie was so angry that he was trembling, this time he didn't play the book to play King Jin, and directly asked the emperor to transfer him back by himself.

He didn't care about this muddy water.

But before the brochure was sent out, Gu Youyou and the others arrived.

Gu Yunxi brought Gu Youyou and others to the disaster relief camp, at this time King Jin was furious.

Because his method started to be effective, he followed the vines and caught many people, but as the number of people who could be captured became less and less, and the number of steamed buns that could be exchanged became less and less, everyone was in chaos.

In order to get more steamed buns, they began to accuse each other, and two people appeared, you said it was me, and I said it was you.

(End of this chapter)

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