Chapter 1014 To remove the tumor
"I know, but such screams every day will wear down everyone's will. A strong-willed person like you thinks it's nothing, but look at them, those old and weak women and children, their good homes are gone, and they suffer from such a big Difficult, the line of defense in the heart is very weak. Although these whips did not fall on them, their screams reached the ears, just like those whips fell on them."

At this moment, Crescent Moon in Erya's arms began to cry. Children are most sensitive to danger, and even the sky is dark in the disaster resettlement area.

"Look, the children are crying in fright."

Jin Zijin twitched the corners of his mouth and said in a low voice, "Aren't you about to cry too?"

Her kindness comes from the heart, something that emanates from the bottom of her heart.The calmness of her appearance cannot be concealed, and she is very real in this way.

Gu Youyou glanced at him and said, "I won't tell you anymore, I have to go."

For disaster relief, Gu Youyou already knew what to do.

What Jin Zijin saw was farther than what she saw.

The stuff behind these rumors, it's time for them to act.

Having been dormant for so many years, the Three Kings and the Five Kings are undoubtedly a malignant tumor waiting to explode in the Zhuzhao Kingdom. If they cannot be eradicated, the Zhuzhao Kingdom will be destroyed one day.


If they could appease them, they wouldn't have rebelled back then, and they wouldn't have heard rumors that the emperor wasn't the real son of heaven today.

The master didn't know where he went, but Jin Zijin knew that the master's greatest wish was to evacuate the Taoist sect, keep the Taoists away from the imperial court, and hope that the world would be peaceful and the country and people would be safe.

Master is getting old and has only one wish, a lifelong wish. Since he has such an opportunity, why doesn't he do it?

"You let go and do it. He doesn't dare to do anything to you. I'm leaving for a few days. Don't be too tired." Jin Zijin said.

"Where are you going?" Gu Youyou thought that he would help her here with her.

Besides, the emperor is too hateful, it is too much to say that whoever succeeds in disaster relief will be passed on to whoever is in the first place.

The king of Qin hasn't shown up until now, and the king of Jin is so high-profile, if the king of Jin takes the credit, will they still have a way to survive?

Jin Zijin pulled her, kissed her gently on the forehead, and said, "Taking this opportunity to remove a cancerous tumor is a good opportunity."

"Then this position..." Gu Youyou was really worried that the bastard King Jin would take the credit.

Jin Zijin smiled and said, "If you take the credit, let's see what the emperor will do."

Gu Youyou: "..."

He must have done it on purpose, trying to piss off the emperor, right?

There are policies and there are countermeasures, and the emperor also worked hard to come up with such a trick.

They are really... a wonderful father and son.

Gu Youyou sighed: "Well, since I'm here, naturally I won't let King Jin take advantage of it. If you have anything to do, go do it at ease, I'm fine."

"I believe in you!" Jin Zijin said.

On the day Jin Zijin left, King Jin just breathed a sigh of relief, but King Qin came again.

Make him very angry.

"Why are you here?" King Jin was even more annoyed when facing King Qin.

Moreover, King Qin is the younger brother, the younger brother of a concubine. Since he was a child, he has been able to suppress King Qin everywhere. In front of King Qin, he has always had a strong sense of superiority.

The king of Qin said: "I am here to help the disaster under the order of my father and emperor."

"Oh, just you?" Jin Wang was utterly contemptuous of Qin Wang.

(End of this chapter)

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