Chapter 1015 Taunt
"What do you use for disaster relief? Do you have people or food? You don't have anything, can you provide disaster relief just with your mouth? Haha, your mouth can make the emperor happy, but you don't have the ability to put those fast The victims of starvation have been coaxed away from hunger!"

The King of Qin looked at him indifferently, let him ridicule, and after a while, turned around to look for Mr. Xie.

Mr. Xie is the imperial envoy for the disaster relief, and the princes are just assistants.

As for Mr. Xie, he is very busy.

Gu Youyou prepared a disaster relief plan overnight, as well as a plan for treating tuberculosis.

After several years of operation, Jishengtang's pharmacies have covered the entire Zhuzhao Country. They all respect Gu Youyou very much, because Gu Youyou's medical skills and some concepts of healing have made many things they don't understand clear up. They admire Gu Youyou's professional skills and personality.In their hearts, Gu Youyou's words are more effective than the imperial decree.

Through Jishengtang, Gu Youyou can gather rich people from every region, and various charity events will be launched one after another, those with money donate money, and those without money contribute their efforts.

Whether it's money, food, or unused worn-out clothes.

All kinds of materials, as long as they are needed, can be donated.

In this way, some people who are reluctant to give up money can also give a love, especially some misers with good conditions. You may not want to ask him to pay for food and money, but let him donate some old things that are not needed. They would be very happy if they could still gain the reputation of being a good person.

In addition, Gu Youyou has a complete set of treatment concepts for tuberculosis. The medicines she provided are a batch of untouched antibiotics that have been stored before and have played a role.

In the current situation, the most reasonable treatment for tuberculosis is the combination of Chinese and Western medicine.

Of course, pure Chinese medicine can also cure it, but the effect is not as fast as antibiotics.

After many days, Master Xie finally showed a smile on his face.

"Doctor Gu has excellent medical skills. Now that I have seen you issue such orders with my own eyes, the old man completely believes that the typhoid epidemic in the Lingnan army camp was cured by you."

Gu Youyou smiled and said: "Master Xie, Youyou can't help but praise, please stop praising."

Mr. Xie has praised Gu Youyou several times in a day.

Mr. Xie laughed and said, "Alright, me, do more and talk less."

This is what Gu Youyou used to block Circe.

The rest of the Gu family did not stay in the disaster-stricken area, so Gu Youyou sent them to Miss Du, and asked Miss Du to take care of them first.

As a doctor, Qin Changlin naturally stayed to help Gu Youyou treat his illness.

Not only Qin Changlin, but also some doctors from Jishengtang and other medical institutions who wanted to gain a good reputation. If they could, they would allocate one or two doctors to participate in the prevention and treatment of the epidemic.

"Master Xie!" At this moment, a young man in a black robe walked into the temporary tent.

Gu Youyou had never seen it before, and looked at Mr. Xie.

Mr. Xie immediately saluted respectfully.

"See His Royal Highness King Qin."

It turned out to be King Qin.

Gu Youyou bowed slightly and saluted.

When the other party saw Gu Youyou, he hurriedly saluted.


He did recognize Gu Youyou.

Gu Youyou has never met King Qin, and only heard about him from other people.

I heard that he and his mother Sheng Guifei are both favored and proud people, neither good nor bad, so that's it.

(End of this chapter)

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