It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1016 He doesn't appreciate it

Chapter 1016 He doesn't appreciate it
But hearing is believing, seeing is believing, so Gu Youyou will not draw conclusions about others based on what he heard.

"His Royal Highness King Qin, are you here to help with disaster relief?" Mr. Xie asked in a daze.

The imperial decree has been handed down for many days, but His Royal Highness Qin Wang has not come to report. He thought that Qin Wang would not come to this muddy water, but he didn't expect him to be late?

King Qin said: "My concubine is seriously ill, and I am serving the sick in the palace, so I am a bit late. Sir Xie, please forgive me."

Xie Huanzhi said: "Be kind and filial piety first. Since Concubine Sheng is ill, it is right for His Royal Highness Qin Wang to stay in the palace to take care of the sick. His Royal Highness Qin came here just in time. Let's take a look at Doctor Gu's arrangements."

Now in the concentration camp for the victims, it is more convenient for Gu Youyou to stay as a doctor than as the eldest concubine, and Mr. Xie is used to calling Gu Youyou Doctor Gu.

This is her own earned status and respect, and has nothing to do with others.

King Qin glanced at Gu Youyou slightly in surprise, then looked down at the plan that Xie Huanzhi handed over.


Gu Youyou directed everyone to re-arrange the rescue camp. The patients were mainly isolated from droplets. The things they spit out were collected and buried separately, and the places where they lived were all disinfected.

Those who come into contact with them must wear masks.

The patients themselves also wore masks, and all the masks they did not use were burned and disposed of.

Miss Du led the female workers behind the Manxiu Building to make large quantities of simple masks, which came in handy.

There are also those antibiotics that Gu Youyou saved before, she has never used them, Sercy asked her several times, and she also said that these are things for curing diseases, but they are not used unless it is a last resort.

There are a lot of traditional Chinese medicine here, and she doesn't want to use western medicine when traditional Chinese medicine can cure the disease.

Naturally, the antibiotics she stored were not enough, and the processing factories in various places were working overtime to make them.

Xie Huanzhi seriously wrote the memorial and sent it to the capital. He is a real person and did not exaggerate to Gu Youyou.

The emperor knew Xie Huanzhi's character, but he frowned while holding this memorial.

Eunuch Wan looked at the expression, and asked caringly: "Your Majesty, is it possible that Mr. Xie has heard something that worries you again?"

The emperor put the memorial on the desk, and said indifferently: "Look."

"Yo, this old slave doesn't dare." Eunuch Wan hurriedly knelt down.

"I told you to watch it, so you can watch it." The emperor sighed softly, then leaned back and lay down on the chair, rubbing the center of his brows lightly.

Eunuch Wan got up, carefully picked up the memorial sent by Mr. Xie, opened it, and read it carefully.

He was startled, and his eyes widened.

Eunuch Wan raised his head, looked at the emperor in surprise, and said, "It's all made by the eldest prince and concubine? What about the eldest prince?"

The emperor smiled bitterly and said: "He doesn't want to accept this favor, and he doesn't want to fight for it."

"Wh... If the first prince and concubine take over this merit, will the matter of the emperor appointing a crown prince still count?"

The emperor closed his eyes and did not speak.

Eunuch Wan boldly continued: "I want this old slave to see that they are a husband and wife. Since it was done by the First Prince Concubine, her credit is naturally also the credit of the First Prince. Your Majesty's hard work..."

"No." The emperor opened his eyes and interrupted him: "Although that is the case, if this matter is put in the court, there will be something to say. If this is the case, it is already inappropriate. We must not let those old guys hold The excuse is that the eldest prince's position as the crown prince was obtained by a woman."

(End of this chapter)

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