Chapter 1025 Advice
"How to attract?" Gu Youyou stared at Yu Jiang with serious eyes.

It turned out that Jin Ziyuan was missing, their wife?Does that mean Mrs. Ru?

In this way, if the madam betrayed her husband and killed her relatives righteously, then the moisture is also very high.

If the wife has water, then the Fifth Prince...

Yu Jiang interrupted her thoughts.

"Miss Gu doesn't need to worry about this. Miss Gu just needs to stay in the mountains as a guest, and the old man will handle other things."

Gu Youyou took a deep breath and didn't speak.


Gu Youyou was kidnapped, and Jin Zijin's side was already at odds with the Fifth Prince of Xining.

The matter of Gu Youyou had not yet reached Jin Zijin's ears, and Yu Jiang's subordinates did not keep their word. After they took her and Circe away, the others were forcibly detained by them, and those corpses and the scene of the fight were also taken away. It was dealt with cleanly by them without leaving a trace, so this matter has not been spread yet.

The rumors spread have already been found on the head of the fifth prince, and the things that Jin Zijin has collected for many years can be said to be conclusive evidence.

At this moment, he was in the imperial study of the emperor.

"Now it is the best chance to invite the five kings to enter the palace and take him down in one fell swoop."

The emperor looked at Jin Zijin indifferently, he was sitting, and Jin Zijin was standing, so to see him, he had to raise his head.

"He has an army of 15 in his hands. If he can be caught, there is no need to wait until now."

"Are you jealous of the 15 army in his hands?" Jin Zijin looked calm, but his eyes were like a sharp knife about to be unsheathed.

The emperor took a breath, gradually softened, and said, "That's right, the 15 army in his hands has never been what I've been taboo about."

"Then what are you waiting for? This is the best opportunity. He wants to visit and spread rumors to confuse the people. I already have definite evidence in my hand. If you let him go today, one day he will turn back and pull out this cancer There is no delay."

"But the national teacher is not dead, he may appear again at any time." The emperor was a little excited, stood up, and looked at Jin Zijin.

"If he doesn't come back for the rest of his life, will you never dare to touch Xining? You have been tabooing Yu Jizi, and you have been controlled by others. In my opinion, it is the most correct to remove Jin Mocong's influence while he is not around." How to do it. You lose in indecision."

There was silence in the imperial study room. The emperor looked at Jin Zijin and did not speak for a long time.

They stood opposite each other with a distance of less than ten feet, neither of them spoke or moved.

Eunuch Wan led the maid who brought tea to deliver the tea, walked to the door of the imperial study room, saw the tense atmosphere and retreated, and waved to the maid who was carrying the tea.

"Go down, come back later."

The emperor and the eldest prince had something to say, and it seemed that there was something important, so he sent everyone around him away.

After the room was quiet, the emperor's voice sounded again.

His voice was not loud, even weak.

"how do you want to do it?"

Jin Zijin said: "Decree first to let him go to Beijing. He is not stupid, and he will definitely not come. You can send troops against him on the grounds of resisting the order."

"Then who will be sent to fight this battle? Dongzhou, Lingnan, and Beimo may not be able to move."

Jin Zijin sneered and said: "This is not all the criticism you have left over the years to balance power, but if you don't make this move, Jin Mocong will also make it. If you wait until he comes, you will be in a passive state." .For example, this natural and man-made disaster, those rumors that are not good for you are everywhere, and it will not be such a good luck to do it again."

(End of this chapter)

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