Chapter 1026 Coincidence
Luckily, Yoyo suppressed it and solved the rumors perfectly. Otherwise, how many people would be deceived by them into traitors.

The emperor is also very clear about these things, that's why he stepped in to help Gu Youyou secretly, so that her actions went so smoothly.

"Yoyo has made a contribution this time," he said.

The corner of Jin Zijin's mouth curled into a smile, the emperor praised Yoyo more than he himself was unhappy.

Like a young man who has just tasted love, he can't help but raise the corners of his mouth when he mentions the girl he likes.

The emperor sat down, picked up the pen on the shelf, and while writing with ink, he said: "Four imperial decrees, one for Dongzhou, one for Beimo, and one for Lingnan, and you will take the remaining one to Xining yourself. Dare to go?"

"Just write." Jin Zijin finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It was not easy to get him to agree to break the peace.

It just so happened that this rumor gave a perfect opportunity.

It also happened that Yujizi disappeared.

Yujizi, master, where did they go?
Jin Zijin went to Xining with the emperor's imperial decree, and soon the news spread, and at the same time, it also reached Yu Jiang.

He was going to let Gu Youyou lead Jin Ziyuan out.

As long as Gu Youyou was in his hands, Jin Ziyuan would naturally come out by himself, but he didn't want to hear that Jin Zijin went to Xining to preach the imperial decree.

In this way, if the plan has changed, Gu Youyou may have other uses.

Yu Jiang stroked his beard and thought for a long time, then said to his subordinates: "Take her, let's go back to Xining early tomorrow morning."


Qin Changlin and Gu Yunxi were arrested. In a dilapidated small village, only a man in black looked on.

Taking advantage of the man in black not paying attention, Qin Changlin stunned him with the needle that Circe gave him, and then ran out with Gu Yunxi.

He is just an ordinary doctor, after all, he is not as ruthless as Circe, and he dare not stab someone with a poisonous needle.

"Come on."

The two left the village smoothly, but the village has been abandoned because of the disaster, and the victims have not returned yet.

Outsiders from Qin Changlin didn't understand Gu Youyou's situation. Gu Yunxi thought about it and decided to go to the Sanqing Temple to find Yue Rujing first. After all, it is difficult for ordinary people like them to find Jin Zijin, and he is not sure. Has Jin Zijin returned to Beijing yet?

Just on the way, when drinking water to quench my thirst in a ten-mile tea shed, I accidentally ran into an acquaintance.

He also seemed to be on his way, temporarily stopping to rest.

Next to a maroon horse, he drank water and fed the horse some water.

"Jin Yi?" Qin Changlin was surprised, and he didn't see him again after he went to Lianhua Village for a visit.

"I thought you didn't run out, why are you here?" Qin Changlin asked in surprise.

"Jin Ziyuan?" Gu Yunxi hadn't seen him since he left Fusang Island.

He looked at Qin Changlin, because Qin Changlin was another name for him.

Jin Ziyuan said: "My name is Jin Yi, and my name is Ziyuan. Where are you going?"

"Doctor Gu and Circe were taken away by unknown men in black." Gu Yunxi said anxiously, "Is there any way for you to contact His Royal Highness as soon as possible? He must not know that something happened to Doctor Gu."

"Youyou disappeared?" Jin Ziyuan's face darkened, he thought for a moment, and said, "Okay, I see, you go back to the capital. By the way, Jin Zijin is not in the capital, he went to Xining. You don't need to worry about Youyou Don't worry, I will rescue her."

(End of this chapter)

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