It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1032 Unfaithful, Unfilial, Unkind, Unrighteous

Chapter 1032 Unfaithful, Unfilial, Unkind, Unrighteous
"Really? That's weird, so he's fully prepared? How fast!"

"Yes, the action is really fast!" Jin Zijin said quietly.

"Could it be..." Yue Rujing was startled, and said: "They captured Mr. Gu? No, the timing is wrong. According to what they said, Mr. Gu had already disappeared when you went. Unless they can predict the future and take precautions."

"This is also the strange place!" Jin Zijin said lightly.

Jin Zijin sat at Yue Rujing's place for a while and then went back. Since the Fifth Prince was fully prepared to follow him to the capital, he would take out his chips sooner or later.


Jin Zijin stood with his hands behind his back, standing opposite the Fifth Prince.

In the silent night, only his peaceful voice.

"Tomorrow you will go to the Hall of Supreme Harmony to face the saint. Someone will list out your crimes of rebellion one by one. By then, the evidence will be convincing. You will never be able to argue with it, and you will never be able to return to Xining."

The fifth prince raised his eyebrows and said, "So, you have already made my crime clear? Tomorrow, the Hall of Supreme Harmony, is it just a formality?"

"Not bad." Jin Zijin said lightly.

"Then..." The fifth prince elongated his voice, looked at Jin Zijin, suddenly smiled lowly, and said, "Then you will be in trouble!"

Jin Zijin frowned, and tightened his hands behind his back.

"If I can't return to Xining, then your prince and concubine won't be able to return to this mansion either."

He got up and looked out of the bed. Under the moonlight, there was a different scene in the house.

The fifth prince ignored Jin Zijin's angry face, and said to himself, "This yard is really nice. Although it's not luxurious enough, the scenery is intriguing."

In the silent night, it took a long time to hear Jin Zijin's voice.

"Okay, I'll let you go back safely!"


In the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the emperor sat peacefully on a high dragon chair, and below him stood the fifth prince, Jin Mocong. Next to him, the ministers handed over memorials one by one, and then pointed at him, eloquently telling all kinds of things about him. The crime is not just that he took advantage of the natural disaster to spread rumors everywhere, causing people to panic, and wanted to take this opportunity to rebel.

He also revealed all the old people who were old when the Three Kings rebelled, saying that he was ambitious and relied on betraying his own brother to preserve his strength.

Among them, the one who spoke most fluently was Jin Shien, Duke Protector.

Xie Huanzhi, the joker in the courtroom, was still in the disaster area and hadn't come back, so this matter was left to him.

At that time, the Duke's mansion helped the current emperor, and he had long been at odds with the anti-king party. It is normal for the enemy to be extremely jealous when they meet.

The second is that this natural disaster and man-made disaster Jin Wang did not do well. Although he can't intervene, it doesn't mean that he doesn't know the situation in the disaster area.

He had to take advantage of this opportunity to pour all the dirty water on the fifth prince, hoping to win back the game for King Jin.

"Jin Mocong, you are disloyal by instigating civil strife in the country and displacing the people; you are disobedient to disobeying the late emperor's last wish and instigating brotherhood; It is inhumane to gain profit and make the country lose money. Regardless of the lives of 15 soldiers, it is unrighteous to hand over the tiger talisman to a woman and not return it to the emperor. Unfaithful, unfilial, unkind and unrighteous people like you will die It's too late. However, my emperor is kind. For the face of the first emperor, and considering the brotherhood, as long as you write a letter, let Mrs. Ru send someone to send the tiger talisman that commanded the 15 troops in Xining to Beijing and return it to the emperor. , so that you will not die."

(End of this chapter)

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