Chapter 1033

The fifth prince looked at Duke Hu Guo with a half-smile, and said in a low voice: "But just now, Duke Hu Guo said that my king will never die, so why is it that as long as I hand over the tiger talisman, I will be spared?" Wang Yi died?"

"You..." The Duke Protector blew his beard and stared, "You don't want to toast and refuse to eat the fine wine. It's your duty to hand over the tiger amulet, and the evidence of your wrongdoing is convincing, so don't deny it."

"No, no, this king has never denied it. This king admits that when the kings rebelled more than ten years ago, this king was actually just like them. He had always harbored evil intentions. What this king asked was whether as long as this king handed over the tiger talisman, Can you live?"

Duke Protector said angrily: "As long as you hand over the Tiger Talisman, so what if your life is spared?"

"Oh?" The fifth prince looked at the emperor who was sitting high, and said with a low smile: "Could it be that the world has changed now, this Jin is not the same, or is it that the two Jins no longer distinguish between you and me, and the Lord Protector actually started a relationship?" Emperor brother's master? Emperor brother, what do you think?"

The emperor above said indifferently: "As long as you are willing to hand over the tiger talisman and complete military power, it's okay to spare your life for the sake of years of brotherhood."

"Heh..." The fifth prince just thought it was funny, he glanced at Jin Zijin who was standing next to the emperor without saying a word, and suddenly smiled again.

After a while, he said coldly: "Spare my life, and then lock me up in the clan mansion to fend for myself? Let me bow my knees in front of you forever? Jin Moning, forgive me for not being able to do it!"

The faces of the courtiers changed drastically, and the Lord Protector angrily scolded: "What you have done is not enough to die ten thousand times. The emperor has done so with the utmost benevolence. You can't do it? As a minister, shouldn't you always bow your knees in front of the emperor?"

The fifth prince snorted coldly and said, "What kind of emperor is he, Jin Moning? He is a prince who has fallen out of favor and will never ascend to the throne of God. In order to sit in this position, he killed his father and third brother. After ruining the imperial father's will, Jin Moning is a thief, he is not worthy..."

No one dared to call the emperor by his name directly in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and no one dared to scold the emperor like this. He was the first one in all dynasties.

After a short period of peace in the hall, there was another crusade against the Fifth Prince one after another.

"Jin Mocong acted recklessly, I implore the emperor to punish him with capital punishment."

"Jin Mo Cong turned right and wrong into black and white, and dared to slander the emperor. I implore him to be put to death early, as a warning to others."


"Five horses dismember the body."

"My minister agrees!"


For many years, the courtiers of the anti-royal party had already been dealt with by Jin Moning. Xining was the only place he couldn't reach out, so he fattened Jin Mocong.

The fifth prince watched these courtiers who were spitting at him madly, and finally realized where he had lost.

Jin Mo Ning is inseparable from their interests. He balances the forces of all parties, and one trigger affects the whole body, so only one person does not move, and the others do not move, because no one dares to be the one who breaks the balance.

What they did back then was too extreme.

Among those who crusaded him, Duke Protector Jin Shien scolded him the most. He was old and his voice was not imposing, but among the crowd, his aged voice was the most recognizable.

The Duke's Mansion, oh, the Duke's Mansion.Apart from Jin Moning himself, the one who benefited the most is the Duke's Mansion.

They had already discussed among their monarchs and ministers that they would use an imperial decree to lure him to the capital, and then hold this grand banquet for him.

 Today's 10 chapters have been posted

(End of this chapter)

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