Chapter 1049
At this time, people seldom have the idea of ​​opening shops in other countries. At most, they trade some goods with neighboring countries. Otherwise, would the Silk Road last for so many years?
Like Gu Youyou, who said that she went directly to other countries to open a branch, she was still the first one.

"Doctor Gu, your idea is really bold, but if you want to go to a neighboring country to open a branch, I'm afraid it's not so easy. It involves a lot of things. First of all, you need the approval of the local government. We have to declare to the customs when we go to other countries, which is always very difficult. troublesome."

Gu Youyou smiled and said, "There's no problem with this. I'll pay for the technology to open the store, and all the staff will be hired from the local people. I've asked Zijin, and there won't be too much trouble."

She opened a pharmacy, which is beneficial and harmless to the local people, so naturally there will be no major problems.

And even if she doesn't go to a neighboring country to open a store, the rich people in the neighboring country will come to Fairview City to order beautiful clothes, and by the way, she can open a Fairview City clothing store in the neighboring country, so that there is no need for trouble.

Gu Youyou had almost finished eating, and it was getting late, thinking about what Jin Zijin told her before she went out, it would make him worry, she had to go back earlier.

Gu Youyou said: "I originally planned to gather all the shopkeepers together to discuss this matter. Now it's getting late, so let's do this first. You tell them, let them have a score in their hearts, three Tianhou, come to the capital together with the shopkeepers, this is a big event, and we must get everyone's support."

Gu Youyou's group business has already done a lot, and all the shopkeepers are members of her board of directors. Except for some big shopkeepers who are far away, it is not convenient to come at any time, and [-] to [-]% of the big shopkeepers are gathered near the capital and Jinxiu City. .

The reason why she worked so hard and even planned to raise funds was because there was going to be a war, and what was fought in the war was money, so Jin Zijin definitely wanted to go.


Mr. Xie took care of the disaster area and returned to the capital.

Speaking of this disaster relief, the biggest contributor is undoubtedly Gu Youyou.

Then the problem came. The emperor said before that whoever made great contributions to disaster relief would be crowned prince.

But the greatest credit was taken by Gu Youyou!
Xie Daren said: "The eldest prince and the eldest prince concubine are one as a couple, and the first prince and concubine can win the first merit, thanks to the support of the eldest prince."

The emperor naturally knew why the rebels did not take advantage of the most powerful rumors to stir up public opinion, but it was Jin Zijin who wandered around and secretly suppressed them.

Of course, Gu Youyou's contribution is obvious to all.

Jin Zijin's contribution is in the dark, while Gu Youyou's contribution is in the light.

The emperor smiled bitterly, he clearly did it on purpose, if he really wanted to be crowned prince, he could come out and do these things himself.

"My lord Xie!" This time it was not Duke Hu who spoke out, but Prime Minister Zhang.

"My lord Xie, you can't say that. What the emperor is paying attention to is the ability of the princes, not the abilities of the princes and concubines. I heard that the eldest prince stayed in the disaster area for a whole day, and the credit is his. body, that can't be regarded as the eldest prince's ability, can it?"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and cupped his hands to the emperor: "Your majesty, I admit that the eldest prince is not a woman but a man, and she is a capable person, but setting up the eldest prince as the heir, can't we rely on a woman to maintain our Zhuzhao country in the future? I think It’s not right to explain what your lord said.”

"My minister agrees!"

"My minister agrees!"

Soon, many such voices rang out from the court hall.Before Lord Protector said a word, so many people had already spoken for him.

(End of this chapter)

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