Chapter 1050 No One Can Get It
He stroked his beard and laughed.

The emperor's face was not very good-looking, but he didn't say much.Because this was something he had expected, he just didn't like that the Duke's mansion had too many minions, which seriously affected Chao Gang.

Thinking about it, it is not easy to make Jin Zijin the crown prince, unless he has made great contributions.

"Your Majesty, none of the three princes were able to get the first contribution in this natural disaster. I feel that they should be rewarded with rounds of merit. The first prize is the eldest prince and concubine. Then the second prize must be King Jin. Three Among the princes, King Jin stayed in the disaster area the longest and was also the most sincere. He went first and returned last, compared to the other two princes, this kind of heart is really rare."

Mr. Xie, who witnessed King Jin's actions in the disaster area with his own eyes, was aghast. He suddenly made a sound, which made the minister who spoke very ugly.

Mr. Xie cupped his hands to the emperor and said: "I don't have any objection to the first concubine's credit, but if you want to say that the second credit goes to the King of Jin, the minister feels that it's not worth it for the King of Qin."

"What do you mean? Could it be that you think King Jin is not as good as King Qin? Ha, thank you Xie Huanzhi, don't ruin the reputation of your Xie family." Hearing Master Xie say this, Duke Huan couldn't sit still. .

The Xie family is a special group in the court, and their biggest feature is that they are only loyal to the emperor and will not favor anyone.But this time he said that he felt worthless for King Qin, and others had something to say.Because Xie Huanzhi's only daughter was married to the King of Qin. Although she was not the official concubine, she was the king's favorite concubine.

It's been rumored that the King of Qin only favored Concubine Xie in order to please Xie Huanzhi.Everyone is guessing in order to understand your lord's stubborn temper, King Qin's flattery can only be patted on the horse's hoof, now it seems that it seems to be useful.

"Master Xie, the water must be leveled." Renyou said with a smile.

Xie Huanzhi was annoyed, and said, "I, Xie Huanzhi, sit up straight and never favor anyone. What's the matter? Why don't you let me say something fair?"

"No no, if Mr. Xie speaks fair words, we will naturally like to hear them. But if Mr. Xie is partial to King Qin, then everyone will not like to hear them."

"Hmph!" Xie Huanzhi snorted coldly, took out a few memorials from his sleeve, and presented them to the emperor.

"Your majesty, I wanted to present these written memorials to the emperor several times, but I endured it for the sake of the overall situation. Now that everyone suspects that my bowl of water is not fair, let everyone see what King Jin did in the disaster area. good thing."

In the memorial, it is naturally written about Jin Wangcha who spread rumors and used life-saving steamed buns to lure the people.

In order to eat a mouthful of steamed buns, everyone collectively referred to it as random fingering. In the end, they were so confused that they didn't know who passed it on, so they were taken by King Jin to beat them severely, and many people died because of it.

After the emperor read it, he passed it on to the ministers. After reading it, everyone's faces were very exciting.

Master Xie said: "If the First Prince and First Princess Concubine hadn't arrived in time, and the First Prince Concubine had shed her own pockets to turn the tide, this natural disaster would have really been a man-made disaster."

"It's really absurd. How could the First Prince use such an absurd method to investigate the person who spread the rumors?"

This time it was also the upright Lin Xingyi who spoke.

Duke Huguo's complexion was not very good-looking, and he gave him a hard look.

Prime Minister Zhang was very happy, he pointed out that Jin Wang's party had rejected the Lin family, and waited for Lin Qianqing to be unlucky, and then helped his daughter back up.

At this time, the three princes were waiting outside the Hall of Supreme Harmony, not like the situation in the inner hall.

(End of this chapter)

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