Chapter 1052
It must have been Gu Youyou who told him after he went back. At that time, it was Gu Youyou who stood up to stop him from acting against those troublesome people.

The emperor looked at Jin Zijin in surprise, but he didn't expect him to defend himself and bite King Jin back.

He thought he didn't care about anything.

"Jin Zijin, I killed the rebels, they spread rumors everywhere, damn it."

"Is there any evidence? Have they recruited?" Jin Zijin asked lightly.

"Of course I did, I have their signature."

"I think it's a trick of torture. Mr. Xie, you were there at the time, and you know it best. Why don't you say it in front of everyone."

Mr. Xie said it a long time ago, so the ministers did not speak.

The King of Jin saw that something was wrong with the atmosphere present, so he turned his attention to Duke Hu.

The Duke Protector winked at him, signaling him to stop talking.

With anger on his face, the emperor said to King Jin, "Xiao Ran, are you still not guilty?"

This situation made King Jin extremely wronged. He looked at Xie Huanzhi again, and Xie Huanzhi raised his chin in a terrified manner. He knew instantly who had betrayed him.

Well you Xie Huanzhi, you didn't see how hard this king is working so hard, so you sued me.

But he insisted that he was right, so he pleaded not guilty.

He cupped his hands to the emperor and said: "Father, my son was wronged. Those people are really traitors. They spread rumors in the crowd, making people panic. My son killed them to make an example. How about doing this If so, there might still be rumors spreading.”

Xie Huanzhi doesn't like to hear these words, it's Gu Youyou's credit, but he's a shit-stirring person who turns right and wrong to claim the credit?

Xie Huanzhi's face was not very good-looking, and he snorted coldly: "Your Majesty, the actions of King Jin have aroused public resentment, and the rumors have become more and more intense. It is the eldest princess who comforted the victims and cured the epidemic. Please investigate clearly."

Because Duke Hu didn't speak for King Jin, he knew very well what stupid things King Jin had done, so he was so angry that he didn't want to speak now.

"Xie Huanzhi, you're spitting blood." King Jin said angrily.

The Lord Protector couldn't listen any longer, it was inevitable that the situation would get out of hand, so he had to say to the emperor: "Your Majesty, this old minister begs the Emperor to let King Jin go back to the mansion for a month and stay calm."

King Jin was stunned when he heard Duke Protector say such words.

He didn't understand the winking at him just now, and now he's even more confused.

Among the three princes, only by becoming the emperor himself can the Duke's mansion continue to prosper. What will the great-grandfather do?
He was too shocked to speak.

"I'm sure." The emperor glanced at King Jin and said calmly.

"Come here, take King Jin out."

King Jin didn't react until someone came to carry him out of the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

"Father, father, my son and minister are wronged..."

It's a pity that Guan He was spoken by the Lord Protector, and no one would speak for him.

King Jin was hit hard. He suffered so much, but he got such a result.

The prince didn't make it, and was grounded, he couldn't figure it out...

The topic of discussion in the courtroom today was meritorious deeds and rewards. After King Jin was taken away, he quickly returned to the topic.

"Since it's the eldest concubine who has made the most contributions, that Zijin will go back and ask, what does she want me to reward her for?"

Jin Zijin had expected that Gu Youyou would get a reward, so he asked her in advance.

Gu Youyou wanted to make glass for a long time, so her answer at that time was to ask the emperor to allow her to make glass by herself.

(End of this chapter)

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