Chapter 1053

Therefore, Jin Zijin cupped his hands and said: "Yuyou has worked out a new method of firing colored glaze, and she wants to use it in business, so the reward she wants to ask for is to hope that the emperor can relax the control policy of colored glaze, so that she can make it independently. Liuli."

These words surprised everyone, Liuli, she can actually make Liuli?

The technology of firing colored glaze has always been in the hands of the emperor. The colored glaze made by the colored glaze master is all in the palace. If the ministers want it, the emperor will reward it.

Now Gu Youyou actually made colored glaze by himself?

"Really?" the emperor asked excitedly.

Jin Zijin said: "Youyou's firing method is very simple, and it can be produced in large quantities. If the emperor allows it, it won't take long for colored glaze to be sold to thousands of households, and it will be very cheap."

The biggest problem with Liuli is not that the emperor controls it, but that the workmanship is complicated and the output is really not much.Things are rare and expensive, so they become exclusive items of the royal family.

It would be a good thing if everyone could use Liuli.

Of course, there are also opposing voices.

The Lord Protector has a lot of colored glaze, which is something he should show off. He said: "If ordinary people can afford it, then what's so special about colored glaze? Wouldn't the treasures bestowed by the emperor that we collected become nothing?" Useless?"

Xie Huanzhi pushed back, and said: "According to Duke Hu's opinion, is the thing bestowed by the emperor more valuable than the value of the thing itself? If the thing rewarded by the emperor is worthless, then does Duke Hu feel that it is meaningless?" gone?"

"You... Xie Huanzhi, the old man didn't say that the rewards from the emperor are meaningless if they are not valuable. Don't try to change your concept secretly."

"I'm just telling the truth."

"I think you just have trouble with this old man." If it weren't for Xie Huanzhi, King Jin would not have been punished.

"Whatever you think." Xie Huanzhi snorted coldly.

Mr. Xie and Duke Hu Guo like to fight each other most in court, and everyone is used to it, so they avoid trying to persuade them to fight.

"Be safe, both of you!" The emperor said, "Duke Protector, everyone knows that you love colored glaze, and I think it is a good thing for the eldest princess and concubine to burn colored glaze in large quantities. Colored glaze is expensive because there is no market for it. You can feast your eyes if you put more glass on it!"

Jin Zijin went on to say: "Youyou's idea is to burn colored glaze into windows. Glazed glass has good permeability. Using colored glaze instead of window paper can make the room more transparent."

Someone said in surprise, "Isn't it too luxurious to use colored glaze to paste windows?"

"Hey, how could it be? Didn't the eldest prince just say that? He will make colored glaze in large quantities, and it will be very cheap, even ordinary people can afford it."

"Oh, if this is the case, then I will order a window, and I will replace my study with transparent glass windows. I am old and my eyes are blurred, and I always feel that the study is not bright enough."

"I want it too, I want glazed tiles, first prince, will the first princess burn glazed tiles?"

Jin Zijin smiled lightly and said, "Of course it will be burned."

Everyone is in favor, and the biggest resistance, the emperor, is not against it, so it will happen naturally.


Full warm thinking*** The night life of the ancients was really boring, and young couples could only vent their bodies at night.

After being hearty, Jin Zijin called the maid who was watching the night to bring water, and took Gu Youyou to the bathroom for a good wash.

As soon as the water was called, the maids outside started talking quietly, and they could say so many embarrassing things.

(End of this chapter)

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